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postheadericon So you got your eye on that cute little critter in the pet store

So you got your eye on that cute little critter in the pet store.  What is it?  It’s a baby ferret.  Baby ferrets are also called “kits”, but don’t be fooled by their good looks, owning one of these fascinating creatures can be a task.  How big do they grow?  What do they eat?  Do they bite?  These are common questions that might come to mind.  If you’re still curious, then read on.

Ferrets are born blind and into litters of around seven or eight.  Their mothers are overly protective as they spend most of their childhood sleeping in a pile and eating.  Born into a world of darkness kits finally start opening their eyes around two weeks as they begin their journey as natural explorers.  Welcome to the world ferret!

Bringing your baby ferret home for the first time might seem easy enough, but you need to prepare big time before you even adopt your new pet.  You should have bought a big enough cage with all of the necessary home fixins ready inside.  The cage should be airy – no aquariums! – and have solid flooring.  There should be a ferret hammock or bed available for your ferret to sleep in.  A few old towels or sweaters make excellent beds!  A litter pan, food, water and a couple of toys round out the list. 

Like adults, baby ferrets need to eat.  But a ferret’s diet is a little different.  They need a diet containing of mostly fats and meat based protein.  You usually can find specialized ferret food in your pet store or online, but a good high quality can food that is made up of at least 30% protein and 20% fat should do.  If you have a baby ferret, you should soak the food in water until it’s soft before feeding.  It’s also a really good idea to start mixing and trying out different foods, so your ferret will not be too finicky in the future.  Ferrets eat in small amounts multiple times a day.  Always have fresh food and water available at all times.  A good food and water dispenser can make it easier for you, but if you do use bowls, make sure that they are really heavy or fastened down so your ferret won’t turn it over.

Schedule a veterinary checkup as soon as possible and have your ferret spayed or neutered by eight weeks and fully vaccinated by 16 weeks of age. 

Be firm with your ferret from the beginning.  Socialize and correct any unnecessary biting, they can play rough, but your ferret will learn quickly.  Scruff train him well, this will be your ultimate discipline tool.  Feed him by hand once in awhile and let him get used to your touch.  Ferrets can get easily distracted; so do not feel like you’re being ignored, you can always bring the attention back to you with a new toy.

Be patient and be firm with your new pet and you will be rewarded with a bundle of joy.

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