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postheadericon Here are a few reasons why i like the ugodog dog litter box

Here are a few reasons why I like the UgoDog dog litter box. I’ve seen a lot of boxes and this one really impressed me.

First, what I really like about it is how it is made. it’s hard to find a dog litter box that will support a dog that might be heavy. They use an injection molding process to make the UgoDog and because of that, it can be used by dogs of all weights and sizes. So you don’t have to worry about a maximum weight limit. Now that’s nice if you have a heavy dog!

Next, I like the grate system that they use. It is a very small grid and a dog or puppies’ paws cannot get caught in it. So it’s very safe for your dog. The urine goes through the grate and the dog’s paws stay dry. That’s a great feature because with newspapers or pee pads, a dog will step right in it and can track it throughout the house. That can make a big mess…been there, done that!

Another thing that impressed me is that it is environmentally friendly. You just use newspaper in the bottom and change it out daily. No messy litter to deal with. Newspaper is completely biodegradable and I am really into recycling and the environment.

Did you know that when you use pee pads they are just like a baby diaper and do you know how long they say it takes for a baby diaper to decompose? 500 years give or take! So needless to say, this is a great feature and something to really think about.

Finally, I like the fact that it’s simple and easy to keep clean. I like simple and I love easy! You spray or wipe it down, put in some fresh newspapers and your are ready to go! Now that’s really nice!

Well, that’s my take on the UGoDog dog litter box and I hope it gave you some things to think about.

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