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postheadericon The dachshund breed is a proud and loyal breed

The dachshund breed is a proud and loyal breed. They make great pets for people who live in small spaces and desire a relatively low maintenance breed. A dachshund’s life span is approximately 12-15 years so you’ll need to follow the steps below to ensure you’re taking proper care of your dachshund.  

Step 1: Take your new pet to a qualified veterinarian to receive his/her vaccinations, flea treatment and to have him/her spayed.

Step 2: While you’re at the vet, seek his advice about the best food to feed your dog and the appropriate amount to feed your dog. Dachshunds have very small stomachs and should be feed small meals several times a day. A dachshund’s diet is very important as they are prone to obesity which can lead to other health dangers.

Step 3: Speaking of obesity, you should walk your dachshund often. Although they are small animals, and make great apartment pets, they still require quite a bit of exercise. Take them on 2 short walks, approximately 10-20 minutes, once in the morning and once in the evening. Because of the dachshund’s natural instinct to hunt, make sure you’ve leashed your pet before you head out the door.

Step 4: Groom your dachshund regularly. Long haired dachshunds should be brushed once a day to avoid matting and tangling of their locks. Short haired dachshunds do not need to be brushed as often, although they would probably love it! You will need to trim your dachshund’s nails every few weeks as well.

Step 5: Teach your dachshund limits within your home. Dachshunds are prone to spinal and hip injuries and should never be allowed to jump onto furniture. Even running up and downstairs can result in injuries to your pup. You might want to use a baby gate to make some areas of the home off limits.

Step 6: Enroll your dachshund in obedience school. Although their constant barking might make them good guard dogs, it doesn’t make them good neighbors.  With the help of an obedience professional, you might be able to curb this unpleasant behavior.

Step 7: Provide plenty of socializing activities for your dachshund. They are known to be aggressive and jealous dogs when they feel insecure or threatened.
Dachshunds make great companions because of their affectionate ways and loyalty to their owners.  Their lively nature and inquisitive spirit will bring entertainment and joy to your home for years to come.

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