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postheadericon You have to know that even your pet needs dental care

You have to know that even your pet needs dental care. Without it your pet can get ill. If you consider that brushing your cat teeth is too hard you could ask for a veterinary’s advice. Else, you can start doing it. After all it is not too hard and you can get used to it.

You have to take your cat to a yearly dental check and even a dental cleaning from time to time.

Until the dental cleaning you have to check your cat’s teeth periodically. If you do it every day your cat will get used to teeth brushing faster. In this way you will protect your cat from getting a dental infection.

Start cleaning your cat’s teeth and ums when it is at an early age. This way your cat will get use to is faster. You can also rub her teeth and gums with gauze wrapped around your finger. Later you can start to use special toothpaste and toothbrush. However, you should never use regular toothpaste because you will only damage her gums.

Massage your cat’s gums regularly. Cats don’t usually get cavities instead they get gum illness which leads to bad breath and in the end to the loss of teeth.

If your cat losses her appetite than you should know that gum illness could be the cause. Same like humans, cats lose their appetite if they have a dental infection.

Unexpectedly, cats that live indoors have a bigger chance to get a dental infection than those who mostly live outside.  This is because the cats that live outside can eat grass which is a natural dental floss. Another explanation is that indoor cats can’t eat small animals therefore they don’t eat bones that are a very powerful tooth cleaner.

Try to include some dry food in your cat’s diet. It will prove very helpful for her teeth and gums.

To conclude:

•    It is always better to prevent a disease than to cure it. Therefore massage your cat’s gums periodically.

•    Don’t brush your cat’s teeth with human toothpaste. You can get cat toothpaste from a pet shop.

•    Always ask advices from a vet concerning your cat’s dental health.

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