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postheadericon Have you ever watched your dog sleep

Have you ever watched your dog sleep? His paws twitch, his tail wags and he lets out little barks. Perhaps he’s dreaming of a romp through his favorite meadow or a game of fetch with his best friend. Ever wonder if you make him that happy? You can. Here are some helpful hints for all adoring pet owners.

Keep him or her groomed properly, and that includes regular bathing, but always be cautious of potential coat conditions that could occur. Also, regular brushing doesn’t just make your pooch look pretty, it also helps to prevent skin diseases and can strengthen the bond between the two of you. Make sure they have a warm comfortable and safe place to lay down their head, so purchase a quality dog kennel, and dog crates and carriers. Feed them high quality foods for good health and well being, including fresh water on a daily basis. Keep the critters off that make them miserable, especially fleas and ticks, if you are not sure what to get then just ask your vet. Play with your pets, it will make both of you feel much better. Make sure that they get plenty of exercise, even if you only have time for a brief walk down the driveway or around the house. Watch out for body language, if happy the tail wags and if sad or ill, the tail will droop. Don’t ever forget or put off the checkups, even if your dog’s not a fan of going to the veterinarian, remember that regular checkups are vital to his health and longevity. Dog collars along with the ID tags are very important for safety precautions, if he or she were to get lost this will provide a way back home to you.

There are many things we can do to improve our pets life and if we are good parents the lives of our favorite pets will be greatly extended.

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