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postheadericon Cats have been a part of human life since ancient times

Cats have been a part of human life since ancient times. Today they are second only to dogs in popularity. Taking care of cats is easy to do, even if you are away from your apartment for long periods of time during the day. If this sounds like your schedule, a cat as a pet is a good choice.

The majority of felines don’t come with a pedigree because most cats are derived from multiple breeds. Actually there are only a small 3% of felines that are purebred. This is because they cost a lot more than the mixed breed cat and have no significant advantages or disadvantages over the mixed breeds. Across the globe, there are now just over one hundred purebred cats that have been identified.

There are notable distinctions between the unique breeds. There are distinct types of body shapes, coat lengths, color of coat, eye color, personalities and size of the animal. Cats can be categorized as the short haired or long haired variety. The most common of the two being short hair varieties.

Long haired cats take more time to care for. They require more daily grooming and are more prone to hairballs. Also, the long fur makes it more challenging to get rid of fleas, and harder to care for any cuts they may have.

Cats do not take as much of your time as dogs, who need daily exercise. Really, all the felines need is a little food, attention and a litter box. Of course, felines enjoy playing and climbing.  The occasional unexpected pounce or sweet purring in your ear are attributes of a happy cat. Additionally, because they are so adaptable, cats are great for most anyone’s living area, including apartments. Undoubtedly, these furry friends quickly become adored pets through their playfulness, affection, and loyalty.

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