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postheadericon When talking about dog training, the hottest and latest thing is dog whispering

When talking about dog training, the hottest and latest thing is dog whispering. We are not talking about just “whispering” and talking softly to your dog, but taking it another step further.

Dog whispering looks deeply into your communication with your dog – understanding its actions and behavior. It is not a “proper” way of training, as it relies on intuition and different techniques, and therefore many trainers do not see it as a training method.

A very strong element which dog whispering is based upon is body language. As the dog is a social creature, it notices and follows body language. And as a trainer, you must know and learn your dog’s body language. It can help you understand your dog, approach it the right way. Observing, understanding and absorbing are very important keys to improving communication with your dog. Respecting and understanding it will diminish any feelings of intimidation or threat.

Dog whispering can be looked at as a humanistic way to understand and reach out to your dog. It has no elements of commands or obedience. This training technique is based on trust and good relations, making it very natural for the dog to follow its trainer. Having a strong connection can do wonders in dog training, emphasizing the fact that there is no need for “harsh” behavior.

A dog trainer is something anyone of us can become. It takes a bit of effort, energy and time, but it is all worth the strong bond and relationship with your dog.

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