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postheadericon How to bath a cat easily

How to bath a cat easily!? Cat Bathing made simple for both humans and cats.

[1] Make sure that the Water Temperature is right for Bathing Cat.

The water should be luke-warm when going to bathe cat, more on the room-temperature side, because if you put hot water on your cat, it will get burned.
Cold water is always a better solution for bathing cats or kittens. Cats don’t mind the cold. Unlike myself.

Yet water should not be tooo cold when bathing a cat-  you know what I mean – not so freezing cold that your poor cat shakes and its teeth chatter… Just pleasantly luke-warm, like for a baby bath.

[2] What Should You Bathe Cat In?

Choose a shallow bathing tub that your cat can easily stand in. Deep buckets might cause cats to panic and feel as though they’re stuck in a narrow clastrophobic well.

Best would be a shallow plastic container or a small laundry bucket, that is safe for cats and not slippery.

We plan on introducing our cats to water in a gradual way and not throw them into a 6 foot/2m pool and have them get a heart attack from fright.

Place a towel around the dish so that your cat can stand on it afterwards and get dry. Also the towel aroung the cat bath will prevent your house from drowning under water. ;-D

You can also use a rubber mat for the bath bottom, so the cat won’t slip, but it isn’t a ” must have “.

If it’s a slippery tray, then the rubber mat is advisable, but if it is a plastic dish, then you don’t need to worry about it. Anyway, it’s a shallow cat bath so there is no risk.

[3] How Deep Should The Cat Bath Waters Be?

Start bathing your cat with just enough water to be above cats  feet.

For the time bathing kittens or washing cats, just place your cat in the tub and let cat play around in there. Cats will get used to the bath and think it is fun.

Tips For Playing With Your Cat In The Tub:

If you play with your cat inside the cats bath with a string, or with some other toy  your cat will enjoy bathing and want to get in there again.

Make it the place where you play with your cat with a certain item (like a mouse on a string or some kind of “cat bathing” toy.) you only use in bath. Your cat will be glad to jump in there and want to play with you.

Another cat bathing motivator is giving your cat a few yummy cat treats when he baths.

Next Stages Of Cat In The Tub

Don’t worry if your cat makes a mess. The towels  you places around the bath tub will mop up most of it.

Gradually you can begin to increase the depth of the water.

Beware: For most cat types, water should never be deeper than cat’s knees.

This should be enough water to give your cat a bath, without creating the fear of drowning panic in your cat’s mind.

How to wash your cat in the cat bath?

Don’t pour the water over your cat or dunk her inside, instead use a wet cloth and dab your cat with it over his or her fur while paying with it in the bath.

Some cats are amazingly expert swimmers, maybe you will have the next “swimming champion”, but don’t push your cat to be one…

For more information visit CatCamille’s website: http://catlovingcare.com

Good luck bathing your cat!


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