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postheadericon Having a sick dog on your hands is never a pleasant experience

Having a sick dog on your hands is never a pleasant experience.  It can be an emotional roller coaster as well as a time consuming task. A dog is man’s best friend.  And no one wants to see their best friend suffer. So, how about a dog that never gets sick; do they exist?  Unfortunately, they don’t.  Dogs are prone to many of the same diseases as humans: heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and even depression and anxiety.  Of course, this is rather depressing in itself to think about when you look at your rambunctious pup.  But, there is one simple remedy that can greatly reduce the risk of these diseases: walking your dog.

Dog walking and dog ownership should go hand-in-hand, but as we all know, the hustle and bustle of New York City can catch up to us.  By the time you get home, you want to plop down on that couch, have your tail-wagging friend pounce on you, and smack a wet kiss on your cheek.  But, if you want that friendly welcome to continue, you should consider the health benefits of taking your pup for a stroll.

There’s a lot of beauty in New York City that you might miss between hopping subway cars and hailing cabs.  So, at the end of the day, a walk can be relaxing and healthy for you and your pet.  A leisurely walk can greatly reduce your dog’s stress level as well as your own.  Walking through Central Park as the sun sets and the cooling autumn air brushes against your face just sounds relaxing, doesn’t it?  And, while we’re on relaxing, if you’re dog is a bit too rambunctious—past the point of cuteness—a daily walk can calm him/her down.  Walks will also dissuade chewing and other destructive habits.  As for the other benefits, well, you and your pet need exercise.  A daily 30 minute walk will help keep you and your pup in shape.

Of course, committing to a daily 30 minute walk might not always be possible.  Schedules change, things happen, and you might find yourself unable to walk your dog.  Well, no need to worry.  Even if it’s only a few days a week, you can rely on a Manhattan dog walker.  When you seek out a dog walking service, you’ll find people who genuinely care about your pet’s health and would be more than happy to take them on a walk when you’re unable to.  Utilizing dog walking services in New York is a reliable way to make sure your puppy will be greeting you after a hard day’s work for a long time to come.

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