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postheadericon Dogs are the preferred pet of many families because they are smart, lovable, and loyal, which makes them a joy for both children and adults

Dogs are the preferred pet of many families because they are smart, lovable, and loyal, which makes them a joy for both children and adults. While owning a dog is great fun and always enjoyable, with it comes many responsibilities. Dogs have the same similar needs and health problems of humans. This requires the owner to watch their pet’s diet and ensure that the dog gets plenty of exercise.

The Symptoms Of Dog Constipation

Even though dogs are very expressive, it is hard to tell when they are ailing because they can’t directly tell us how they are feeling. So we need to pay close attention to them and look for the signs that they show you. In the case of dog constipation, an observant pet owner should know that there’s a problem if the dog hasn’t passed a stool in over two days. A dog’s digestive system is a lot more active than that of a human’s, so the pet will have bowel movements at least once a day in a soft form. If the pet does not pass a stool for two days or the stool is difficult to pass because it is hard, your loving pet may be suffering from constipation.

If you believe your dog may be constipated, then you’ll want to watch for the other common symptoms of dog constipation. These include loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting as well as lethargy and/or disinterest in his or her favorite activities.

Common Dog Constipation Treatment And Prevention

If your pet suffers from constipation, you need to take a closer look at the dog’s diet to ensure that it contains enough fiber and increase the fiber level if it does not. Most of the dog food sold on the market contains an adequate amount of fiber. Some popular brands are Dog Chow, Pedigree, and Alpo to name a few. Dehydration may be another possible cause of your dog’s constipation and therefore you should ensure that the animal drinks plenty of water by placing a bowl of fresh water by the food dish and make sure to fill it as soon as it is empty.

Other Measures For Dog Constipation

If the situation doesn’t improve wihin the first week, take your dog to the vet’s office as soon as possible. Your dog may be in pain, and the only person to offer the correct treatment is the veterinarian. The vet may prescribe some dog laxatives to help your best friend, but he may also need to conduct a few tests to ensure that there are no existing medical conditions that may be at the root of your dog’s constipation.

Regular check ups, balanced diet, adequate water and exercise will help keep your dog in good health and free of constipation. You and your pet will enjoy a lot of happy times together if you learn to listen and watch for the early warning signs of health problems.

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