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postheadericon There are some dog owners who frequently purchase clothing for their pets, while other dog owners think that buying clothing for a dog is unnecessary

There are some dog owners who frequently purchase clothing for their pets, while other dog owners think that buying clothing for a dog is unnecessary. Most people assume that dog clothing has no specific function and is only used to ‘decorate’ the animal. Actually, animal clothing, such as wraps, boots, coats, and collars, has very important and specific functions, not the least of which is to protect animals from dangers in the environment.

Protective Wraps

Protective wraps are similar to blankets, and they help to calm animals in the event of inclement weather, such as thunder or lightning. Also, protective wraps help alleviate tension, fear, or excitement in animals. A protective wrap provides warmth and a slight degree of pressure, which helps an anxious dog switch focus off of an intimidating environment to a sense of security. A dog might have to be trained to wear a protective wrap. An owner can introduce the wrap for short periods of time along with praise and treats. As the dog becomes accustomed to the wrap, extending the ‘wearing time’ will result in a greater degree of the intended, calming effect.

Foot Protection

Dog boots are manufactured for use by animals that live in severe-weather environments or who work in a service capacity that involves exposure to hazardous environments. Dogs that live in northern states, such as Minnesota, Maine, or New York, spend months living with winter weather. Temperatures fall well below zero, and snow blizzards aren’t uncommon in the north and east. Dog boots are made to protect canine feet from environmental dangers such as snow, ice, heat, and chemicals. Dog clothing, such as protective boots, is used most effectively by animals that are in a service capacity. This footwear protects feet from both weather dangers and dangers encountered while searching for lost hikers, people buried in collapsed buildings, and hidden drugs.

Coats and Raincoats

Inclement weather and hazardous environments can affect much more than a dog’s feet. Service dogs were used by rescue workers to locate trapped people on 9/11, and they are frequently used after tornados or hurricanes to search for victims. Dogs in these environments need to wear clothing such as protective coats or raincoats. Protective coats help protect all dogs from distress or injury, and they enable service dogs to continue working in adverse environments, without injury.

Reflective Collars

Dog clothing, such as a collar, can help owners control their pet’s movements. In addition, collars can be used as a tracking device for service dogs or dogs living in rural areas. Service animals, such as police dogs, may be required to chase criminals, search for missing persons, or sniff vehicles for drugs. A collar that contains an electronic tracking chip or reflective material enables the dog’s owner to track the animal’s movements and find its location at any time. Reflective collars provide accountability for an animal that is a valued animal in a service capacity.

Dog clothing is generally viewed as a luxury, and dog owners are often seen as eccentric when they put clothing on their dogs. Dog clothing, such as protective wraps, foot protection, coats and raincoats, and reflective collars provide necessary protection for animals that live in inclement weather or are in potentially hazardous service capacities. Dog owners should look into available products that may be of benefit to their pet or service animal.

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