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postheadericon If you have a pet pooch, you’re probably already familiar with the benefits of dog ownership

If you have a pet pooch, you’re probably already familiar with the benefits of dog ownership. Owning a dog means that you get to form a loving relationship that will last for years to come. Dogs can enrich the lives of individuals and families alike, improving emotional and psychological health, as well as increasing overall happiness and satisfaction.

But did you know that pet ownership has been proven to have beneficial physical effects? One of the most appealing of these is that dogs can lead to lower blood pressure. Because the stress of a job can lead to high blood pressure, this effect can be a good way to reduce work-related stress. Many employers recognize this and are starting to allow their workers to bring their dogs to the office. Before you start, however, you should remember the following tips:

1. Your dog should be well-behaved and social. Bringing your dog to the office will only be successful if he gets along with people and other dogs. You’re still working, after all, so your pet can’t interfere with your business.

If your dog does start acting up, just take him for a walk. This will tire him out and calm him down. Try a long walk before work and a quick game of fetch at lunch. If you don’t have the time, hire someone who does. And remember: regular bathroom breaks are a must!

2. You need to bring the essentials. If you’re bringing your dog to the office, he’s going to need bowls for food and water, a few toys to keep him busy (avoid noisemakers), a blanket for napping, grooming tools, and a few treats. Don’t forget the gear to clean up accidents, just in case.

3. You need to set boundaries. Your dog needs to stay in your space. Some people are afraid of, allergic to, or dislike dogs, and especially in a business setting, you need to respect their rights. You could tie his leash to your desk, use a pet gate or kennel, or simply close your door.

Not everyone has the good fortune of being able to enjoy the workday in the company of their beloved pet, so if you’re one of the lucky ones, be thankful! You should also remember that your dog will need time to get used to the new situation. Allow for this so that you will both be able to enjoy your time together, and soon your dog will be loving the attention he gets from all his new friends at the office.

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