Posts Tagged ‘master’
Dogs are lovely creatures and you discover that when you own one
Dogs are lovely creatures and you discover that when you own one. They are much like humans in many aspects of life. Having them around in the house is like having kids around. They are as cute as babies and sometimes behave like on as well. No matter what breed a dog is, they are all adorable and lovable and once you get attached to them you just cannot live without them. They shower loads of love on you with their cute little gestures and you in turn can’t stop expressing your love onto them. The best way of expressing your love, you may think, is either feeding them with the best bone or playing with them. However, there are definitely other ways in which you can express your love and concern for them.
Have you noticed that, although we say they are more like humans in many ways, they miss being covered by clothing and they are always naked? You might think that it is how they have been created and they are supposed to be. Besides some dog breeds have fur that serves the same purpose of clothing. What about the other dogs who don’t have furs? How do you justify their case? Anyways, it hasn’t been proven that dogs do essentially need to be clothed but it doesn’t really hurt to wonder now does it? Moreover, the idea of having clothes on your pooches is rather interesting than thought provoking. It is just like how kids love to dress up their dolls as a part of their daily playtime activities.
dog dresses are available widely in the market for various occasions. You may want to gift your doggy a dress for its birthday. Dog dresses are available according to gender and breed size. Just dress up your dog in one of these dresses and hold him/her against a mirror to see how enthusiastically it barks at itself being covered in attractive colored clothes almost just like its own master. It gives them a feeling of royalty and they feel extremely special. Dog dresses for female dogs come in a large variety of designs and patterns with endless choice in colors. You could even choose a dress that matches your attire and go out for a walk just to show how closely attached you are to your pooch. You can always accessorize the dog dress with caps, head bands or bows to add that extra spunk.
There are also available dog pajamas for those cold nights where your dog needs some extra layering to keep itself warm and cozy. Dog pajamas are a little different from dog dresses. They are less grand and simpler in design just like human pajamas. Also the sleeves for the dog legs reach till the paws so that it serves the purpose of an actual pajama. Another advantage of having your dogs wearing a pajama at night is avoiding the shedding of dog hair when it either sleeps on your bed or on the couch. So go ahead and explore the world of fashion for your pets out there and find beautiful dresses and pajamas for them either offline or from websites online and make them the happiest pets in the world.
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Recently, a lot of our friends and customers have asked us about dog training and how to properly use treats when training dogs
Recently, a lot of our friends and customers have asked us about dog training and how to properly use treats when training dogs. We found the following article to be very helpful:
There are many different approaches to dog training and many different ways of implementing each of those approaches. Most techniques utilized today however, are premised upon the idea that positive reinforcement is likely to create the best results. Virtually every truly functional dog training system is outgrowth of positive reinforcement thinking.
Regardless of which specific program a dog owner may choose to adopt, there are common pitfalls that can be avoided. Dog owners are particularly susceptible to making three critical errors, which if avoided will make the training process far more enjoyable and effective. Three of the most common mistakes are inconsistency, impatience and treating the dog as a subject instead of a training partner.
Consistency may be hobgoblin of little minds in terms of the need for human creativity. With respect to dog training, however, inconsistency is the quickest way to reduce the experience’s effectiveness.
Dogs thrive on predictability. In fact, their ability to grasp cause and effect is at the very root of training. Operant conditioning is predicated on the fact that dogs will begin to associate events with consistent outcomes. This notion of consistency’s importance must be extended to the overall process of dog training.
A dog is likely to best respond to a system in which regular actions produce regular results. Too often, dog owners fail to be entirely consistent. In the dog’s mind, these lapses in regularity convey a sense of randomness to the process and make it difficult for the pet to associate his specific behaviors with specific results-the key to training. Dogs will excel when they are taught that things happen for specific reasons. When surprises occur it undermines the whole of the training process.
A successful trainer will retain consistency and will not deviate from an established course.
There can be a great deal of frustration in dog training. Concepts we believe dogs should be able to grasp easily often escape them completely for quite some time.
We live in a world that is so often focused on immediate results. We learn to expect that our actions will be met by prompt, anticipated responses. Dog training runs counter to this societal trend toward speedy, immediate gratification. Training is an extended process that can require a great deal of patience from the trainer.
Impatience results in unpredictability on the part of the owner as they hastily cease a training session or abandon positive reinforcement techniques in hopes of finding a shortcut to desired results. Patience is, indeed, a virtue when one considers the role of the owner in a dog training situation.
A successful trainer will master developing a patient outlook throughout the extended process of dog training.
Treating the Dog as a Subject Instead of a Partner
Dog training requires two participants: the dog and the owner. Frequently, however, owners tend to perceive the process as being uniquely about them. They fret over their techniques, equipment and strategies without giving real consideration to their training partner, the dog.
When an owner approaches the dog as a simple subject for experimentation, they lose track of what makes the dog unique and denigrate the always-important dog/owner relationship. Training becomes a chore, rather than a joint activity. What might have been a pleasurable chance for interaction becomes an un-enjoyable task.
Dogs are sufficiently intuitive to be attuned to a trainer’s attitude and are less receptive to learning when they are treated merely as a subject instead of as a complete being. Owners who fail to see their pet’s identity during training are unable to pick up on subtle clues and possible means to improve their techniques.
The successful trainer will treat his dog as a full partner in training, not merely as a subject.
By avoiding these three common pitfalls, a dog owner is more likely to be able to implement a training strategy that produces results. Additionally, the training experience is likely to be enjoyable for both the dog and owner, giving them a tremendous opportunity to build their relationship. Regardless of the exact methodology adopted by the owner, the training process will benefit extraordinarily from avoiding the mistakes of inconsistency, impatience and treating your pet as a subject instead of as a partner.
Get your dog some great dog treats today.
A true brahmin, the boston terrier can trace its roots back to 1865 in boston, ma
A true Brahmin, the Boston Terrier can trace its roots back to 1865 in Boston, MA. The Boston Terrier of that time was very different than the one we know today. He was originally a cross between a Bulldog and an English Terrier and weighed around 35 pounds instead of the smaller variety today. The modern Boston Terrier was actually created by the employees of the wealthy at that time. They would “borrow” their employers’ Boston Terriers and breed them with other dogs to create a good, smallish fighting dog. Unfortunately, Boston Terriers were seen in the dog fight ring for quite awhile but their devotion to their master and his family stood out and they became companion dogs. The French Bulldog started out as the Toy Bulldog which was brought from England to France during the Industrial Revolution. The French created such characteristics as their bat-like ears and they were adored in royal courts. They are basically a bull-and-terrier breed.
These breeds share many physical characteristics in common including size, build, and bulging eyes. They also share many similar personality traits. Both the BT and the Frenchie are very sweet dogs who love to play and act like a clown. But, both are also at risk for developing Small Dog Syndrome which is a condition where the small dog believes himself to be Alpha because of the owner’s overpampering and child-like treatment. These dogs can be stubborn so early training and establishing yourself as Alpha are imperative. It may seem contradictory to his past but the Boston Terrier is rarely dog aggressive. The French Bulldog, however, is dog aggressive more often so early socialization is important. Neither of these breeds are barkers so you can rely on having a quiet household but not on having a guard dog. The BT tends to need more exercise than the Frenchie who would rather hang out and see what you’re cooking. Both breeds are very people-oriented and a bored Boston Terrier or a lonely Frenchie is liable to be destructive.
The Boston Terrier has been a popular dog since the early 1900s. You’ll see many pictures from that time with children and their Boston Terrier, showing how quickly the breed integrated into family life instead of the ring. The BT was so popular in the 1920s that it made up 30% of entries into dog shows. In 1922, Boston University made the Boston Terrier their mascot and he still proudly represents them today. French Bulldogs were also popular between 1910 and 1915, being in the top five popular breeds in the U.S. Their popularity has emerged again since 1990 because they are such good dogs for apartment living and are excellent all around family dogs.
The Frenchie has several nicknames including “The Clown” and “Frog Dog.” He truly is a clown, often hamming it up for a laugh and some attention. “Frog Dog” comes from the way he look when he lies on his back and his legs sprawl out on either side. This breed is bound to amuse you and cheer you up on a gloomy day. The Boston Terrier was, and is, often called “The American Gentleman.” This name comes from his innate good manners with adults and children and his quiet demeanor. Owning a BT is like having a good butler. Both breeds are a joy for families as long as they’re trained and know their place in the pack.
When a good dog suddenly starts displaying aggressive or even hostile behavior it can be a frightening experience for any dog owner
When a good dog suddenly starts displaying aggressive or even hostile behavior it can be a frightening experience for any dog owner. It is not uncommon that a dog that was once sociable and friendly suddenly becomes aggressive. As with all negative and unexpected situations there are of course worst case scenarios, but a sudden change in a dog’s behavior is no reason to panic, the key to dealing with the situation is to get at the reason for the sudden change.
You need to remember that your dog is descended from wild animals, and while the modern domestic canine is very different in many ways from the wolves that virtually all dogs descended from, some traits remain, and they do surface from time to time. While it is true that a dog’s mind is simple and that teaching a dog certain behavior is relatively straight forward, you need to remember that a dog’s primal behavior is inherited, and it can’t be modified, just worked around. In order to do that, you need to know what you are dealing with.
For starters, wolves are pack animals, and it is this basic fact that is probably behind your dog’s mysterious behavior shift. To your dog, you are a member of his or her pack. How you behave determines what sort of a pack member you are: Are you a dominant member of the pack to be followed and submitted to? Or are you a weak member of the pack that needs protection and special attention? In either case, there are different triggers for sudden aggression. A dog will adjust his or her behavior accordingly based on yours. The cause of the dogs aggression should be determined be a professional trainer, as the owner is often too close to the situation.
A dog will become aggressive when it feels there is some kind of threat. A typical cause in both types is when a dog becomes possessive about something. Typically, the “object” is food; it can also be a bed or even a cherished chew toy or any object the dog has grown attached to. If your dog is submissive to you, he or she is less likely to exhibit this type of behavior; however, when submissive dogs do get possessive, they are likely to be more aggressive. The good thing about submissive dogs, is that this behavior Is more easily corrected.
Dogs can also become aggressive over territory, dogs who regard themselves as leaders are typically very territorial. Anytime they feel there is a threat to their space, they will try to defend it. A dog’s definition of what its territory is varies, typically though, a dog will consider the house and the immediate vicinity its territory; although some dogs have been known to “claim” larger areas.
Dogs also get aggressive when they feel a member of their pack is being threatened. The trouble with dogs is that they have a limited understanding of people, and in fact, it is often this misunderstanding that causes them to behave aggressively. Dogs with more dominant personalities are again more likely to display this sort of behavior, but when a threat is perceived to be extreme and immediate, even dogs with submissive personalities will step up to “defend” the pack.
Aggression in dogs needs to be dealt with immediately and decisively, to not do so could be outright dangerous. If a dog does something as trivial as growling, or worse snapping at you when you take away its bed for cleaning, you cannot let it pass. The dog will then think that you tolerate that sort of behavior, and that it is acceptable. If you just let it pass, succeeding incidents will likely be more severe. You should get professional assistance to learn positive methods of letting your dog know you are the master. Should your dog get to a point where it snaps at people habitually, you should definitely get professional help as soon as possible, and keep your pet on a leash until then.
Providing hen sheds for your chickens really is a very simple thing to do
Providing hen sheds for your chickens really is a very simple thing to do. With the current explosion in interest worldwide in all things poultry related there has never been a better time to get involved and enjoy the amazing experience that keeping chickens has to offer and with so much to benefit from, building hen sheds to house your brood will be even more rewarding.
Not so long ago people kept chickens as a matter of having to, poor diets needed to be supplemented in as many ways possible and eggs were the perfect way to do this. With them being so versatile they could be used in any number of ways and at least you could be sure that you were getting something in to you that was full of goodness, even in the past they knew the benefits of eating eggs even if the science behind them was not known about.
The demand for the supply of eggs has continued to rise rapidly and with them being such an amazing nutritional whole food, that come very neatly packaged, it is very unlikely that this demand will diminish, so keeping chickens has become big business.
The only drawback with this is that as a result of the need for such a huge constant supply of eggs the poor old chickens themselves are suffering. They are not always kept in surroundings that are truly suitable or in any way beneficial to them to keep them in prime egg laying condition, the downside of which is that the quality and the taste of the eggs you buy really can be affected.
As more information has become so easily accessible we, the consumer have wised up to this and realised that to keep hens in your own backyard is really such an easy thing to do and takes very little time and effort and the rewards are massive, I do not know why but, somehow nothing really can beat the taste of fresh, free range eggs laid by your chickens, they are just extra delicious.
Housing them adequately is not a problem, you really do not have to be a master carpenter or an amazing handyman or wood worker to be able to follow a set of step by step instructions that guide you through from beginning to end with minimum of fuss (if I can do this, anybody can) The end result being poultry accommodation that you can be very proud of having produce it with your own hands.
So, for complete peace of mind housing your chickens in hen sheds that you know are going to keep them safe and secure from predators is the perfect solution with the added bonus that the hen sheds will be easy on the eye and have been amazingly cost effective too.
Building a hen shed is so simple and a great deal of fun when you are given the correct information. They are practical, easy to assemble and can save you a fortune.
There are dozens of poultry related websites that claim to offer visitor’s great hen shed plans, but few sadly seem to offer little more than a single basic design. However one of the best hen shed design websites online that has been endorsed by hundreds of chicken breeders and owners worldwide so far contains a wealth of chicken housing data and related information that is well worth reviewing. (