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postheadericon Due to constant comparison with their canine counterparts, people have said that cats cannot be trained

Due to constant comparison with their canine counterparts, people have said that cats cannot be trained. True, they may not be trained like a soldier but cats are incredibly intelligent animals that can be trained towards developing good habits if effort is put into work and understanding them.

Most cats that are adopted from a shelter, bought from a breeder or even just rescued from the streets don”t require a lot of instruction or guidance. Cats are quite self-sufficient but can still benefit from some training. Cat training is well worth doing because it will do good for the health and safety of both cat and owner.

There is no standard procedure to follow for cat training but there are a few cardinal rules in doing so. The first is that owners need to favor incentives over deterrents when possible. Cats also have self-interests so owners and trainers would want to leverage those. Using the cat’s natural preferences to induce the cat to the desired goal will prove to be helpful. Second rule is to not let training damage the important bond of trust between owner and cat. Cat training would ideally strengthen the bond between pet and owner during training sessions. The third rule is that owners need to consult with a veterinarian to investigate any possible medical issues for any observed behavior problems. Some cats that exhibit aggression with no previous incident of violence may be showing pain aggression due to an illness or injury. Training the cat during this case is not advisable.

Before starting cat training, it is advisable that a bond be established with the cat. Cats value and look forward to attention and affection that can be gained from training. But cats would only participate when they can determine that they would not be put in any harm by the handler. It would seem that the cat is more dependent due to that aspect of their training. Although cats in the wild tend to work alone, domesticated cats are quite social.

Cats may not be pack animals that carry the instincts to please a leader but due to their curious nature, they respond to learning, playing, eating and relaxing with their human owners. Although the relationship between cat and owner would aid in training, cats still have that independent streak. Any cat owner who opts for cat training must keep their expectations realistic to avoid working under false pretenses while going through the training sessions.

postheadericon This time of year can be a worrying and confusing one for your dog, occurrences like bonfire night don’t happen very often and that’s what makes it a lot scarier for your dog or puppy

This time of year can be a worrying and confusing one for your dog, occurrences like bonfire night don’t happen very often and that’s what makes it a lot scarier for your dog or puppy.

Dogs do not like unfamiliarity’s and all the flashes and sudden bangs can make your dog extremely scared and afraid of what is happening. Unfortunately there have been many cases of dog deaths on bonfire night over the last ten years so it’s a must to keep an eye on your dog at this time of the year and any other similar time such as New Years Eve.

Accidents and injuries happen on bonfire night because of dogs or puppies being loose outside and the unfamiliar sounds and flashes causing them to go into a panic and running away from home, running into roads, or getting stuck in tight spaces trying to hide from the noises.

Fortunately, there are rules and advice that can be followed to prevent times like these and keep your dog in safe hands. To begin you will need to stop your dog being out at night and keep them reassured indoors and away from their outdoor home if they have one. This should be done from one week before the event to one week after the event so no fireworks before or after will scare them into trouble.

Make sure all the doors are locked and shut, if your dog sees an opening they will go for it if they become scared. Try to make a small sheltered area for your dog where they feel protected and in control, and cuddles and calmly playing with your dog may help your dog be less nervous and take their mind off the situation.

If your dog does escape, be calm and positive with them wile trying to get them back inside as quickly as possible, if all these rules are followed then everything should go to plan and you will be able to relax on bonfire night and not have to worry about your pet.

postheadericon In the first couple of days that the cat comes to the new home is a really happy time

In the first couple of days that the cat comes to the new home is a really happy time. For you, the cat owner, it’s a great chance to start to see and learn what makes your cat special to your family. The cat will also be going through changes as well. There are new things to discover and things to play with and of course new things that they must adjust to as well. There are new surroundings, new household friends and playmates and of course new house rules.

When you plan to pick up your cat, try to set aside time with the new pet.  A Friday evening when you will have the whole week end is a great time.  Maybe when you are starting a vacation and will be at home would be great as well. You will need to help the cat to adjust to the new home, and as such spending quality time these first few days will get it off on the right foot.  The cat will learn to understand you, and you as well will get to know them. Note: Please don’t try to over do it with excitement at first.

When the new kitten first arrives in your home, you might want to keep the noise down low till he gets himself adjusted.  During this time, if you have children, I would highly recommend trying to keep them from running after and/or even trying to grab the kitten. Children screaming are also to be avoided if possible.  Keep in mind the new kitten is just a baby and will scare very easily. I think it is best to just let the kitten explore at his own pace when he wants to nap just let him nap. Cats are very quick learners and you will see that you kitten will adapt very quickly.

Make it easy as possible for the cat to get his food, water, and of course his littler box. You may want to keep the kitten in one room for a start until he gets used to the new house. Then he can explore a little at a time. With patience, love, and understanding, the transition to its new home and family will be a wonderful experience.  

postheadericon Even though the miniature pinscher is a small dog, as an owner, you must remember to provide enough exercise and stimulation to have a happy pet that doesn’t decide to eat some of your favorite things

Even though the Miniature Pinscher is a small dog, as an owner, you must remember to provide enough exercise and stimulation to have a happy pet that doesn’t decide to eat some of your favorite things. It would be an unfortunate error for you to think that this small dog will not require much exercise. It is true that a Miniature Pinscher may need less space for activity than a larger dog. However, this dog is not a couch potato. It enjoys quality time with its owner, but it also needs physical exercise, opportunity to explore and opportunity to chew. If the Miniature Pinscher is not stimulated, it is possible that those favorite household items of yours will start to look very appealing to your dog and could conceivably end up ruined at the paws of the family pet.

When the Min Pin comes home, you need to provide appropriate items for chewing so the dog learns that chewing is actually a permissible activity and that there are certain things to chew and certain things to not chew. Dog proof your house to help with this learning process. You should remember that the Miniature Pinscher’s need to explore, investigate and chew does not disappear as the dog matures.

If your Miniature Pinscher is provided with a variety of chewable items and other canine activities to investigate, throw and chase, they will be able stay stimulated to keep focused on those activities and not need to turn to destructive activities. The Miniature Pinscher is an intelligent animal who will quickly learn the house rules about the appropriate items to chew. After living with a Miniature Pinscher for awhile, you might observe that your Min Pin chews more intensely if there is any kind of stress/tension at home being reflected in the dog’s behavior. This observation may be a wake up call that the Miniature Pinscher may need more attention from you.

So, although the Min Pin is a small dog, it needs a lot of routine exercise and a variety of ways to exercise appropriate chewing activities. You can even slip in those chewing activities that promote dental health. For a comfortable life with your Miniature Pinscher, dog proof, train the dog about what is ok to chew, and provide appropriate Min Pin chewable items. Training your Min Pin will require a strict routine. Once he or she is trained, you should have minimal problems with chewing.

postheadericon The key to a happy and healthy relationship between you and your dog is good training

The key to a happy and healthy relationship between you and your dog is good training. All dogs need to be trained to be obedient for their own health and well-being, just as much as making them manageable is easier for you.

Often, if dogs are not trained correctly, they will become unruly, aggressive and in some cases completely unmanageable. This is not just bad for the dog’s owner, it is also incredibly distressing for the dog. We humans intentionally bred only the submissive traits of wolves when creating the domesticated dog. Therefore, when it comes to leadership, it is not a role that our dogs feel comfortable in. However, all packs must have a leader and if its not you, then a dog will feel that it has to occupy the post even though it finds it confusing and stressful.

Moreover, a well-behaved dog is a pleasure to be around for all people, even non-dog lovers. Therefore, it is in everybody’s best interest to train your dog and ensure that he, or she, recognizes you as the boss.

The Basics of Training Your Dog

Because a dog is genetically programmed to want to please its master (you), the very best way of training is with positive reinforcement methods, such as clicker training, using treats as rewards or simply providing praise for good behavior. Almost all dog trainers recommend this approach to training rather than punishment of negative or naughty behavior.

It is advisable to begin training your dog as soon as possible. If you have a puppy, then training will be easy if you start from day one. However, even if you adopt an adult dog training is not difficult as long as you begin as you mean to go on. In other words, do not get carried away by the joy of having a new pet and spoil him, or her, because you will be making life difficult when it comes to enforcing rules. For example, if a house rule is no dogs on the furniture, make sure this is upheld from the day a new dog is welcomed into your home. Remember, mixed messages will simply confuse and distress a dog.

Manners All Dogs Should Have

Of course, each home will have its own rules. However, there are some basic rules that all dogs should abide by, partly for his, or her, safety, partly to reinforce your position as boss and partly to ensure that no visitors to the home are distressed by your dogs behavior. For example:

Dogs should never jump up on people – you may think of it as an affectionate way to greet you, but if a dog puts its paws on your shoulders, it is likely to think this is an acceptable thing to do to anyone who walks through the door and not everyone enjoys being leapt on. Additionally, jumping up to your height can be a gesture to challenge your authority, so it is advisable to make a dog wait patiently until you are ready to greet him, or her.

Dogs shouldn’t beg at the table – begging will often occur if your dog has been fed at or under the table in the past. Therefore, if you do not wish your dog to drool at the sight of you eating, do not offer him, or her, sneaky treats.

Dogs should never be possessive over bones or toys – In case your dog gets hold of something it shouldn’t, it is important that you are able to take any item away from him, or her. Moreover, this is a great way to establish your authority and gain your dog’s respect. Therefore, it is a good idea to take a favorite toy, bone or food away from your dog at random points when he, or she, is a puppy. This may seem a little cruel, but if the dog behaves well, you can replace the item straight away and give him, or her, lots of praise. If, on the other hand, the dog growls or is aggressive, you may need to take things from him, or her, more frequently and for longer periods. The aim is to get the dog to recognize all items as yours – you just let him, or her, play or chew them.

Obviously, these are just some of the things that a dog owner should consider. However, they are great foundations from which to expand your dogs training. If you are having difficulty with your dog, seek the advice of a animal trainer, behaviorist or veterinarian.
