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postheadericon Sometimes a cat will not like the location of his or her litter box

Sometimes a cat will not like the location of his or her litter box.  This can occur for several different reasons:

  • Some kind of pain at the location of the box
  • Something that has caused the cat to be afraid at the location
  • An odor around the location of the box

Where is the best spot to put a litter box?

  • Most cats prefer an easily accessible spot, but one with privacy
  • Avoid placing the box near a noisy appliance like the washer, dryer or furnace
  • Experiment with types of boxes:  some cats like the privacy of closed boxes, and most like large boxes, but some like small ones.

In general, cats usually dislike having to eliminate near where they eat, so avoid putting the food and water bowls near the litter box.

Stress or anxiety as a source of cat litter box location must always be considered, but is not as frequent a cause of house soiling.  It has been said that one cannot have too many litter boxes.  A household of three cats would probably fair much better with four boxes.

Specific kinds of stress such as separation anxiety, previously seen only in dogs, but now believed to occur in cats also, usually occurs when there has been a prolonged absence of the owner, typically 8 hours or more.  The house soiling typically occurs 8 to 12 hours after the owner’s departure.  This behavior can also involve diarrhea and destructive events, and can be treated in much the same way dogs are treated.  Training through graduated departures with a lot of skill, time and patience as well as medications help separation anxiety disorders.

Some owners report cats that are naturally shy or fearful.  This type of personality may not want to come out into the open to go to the litter box.  If there is an identifiable cause such as a certain person, cat dog, object or sound, try to remove or modify it.  You might also try using a litter box in a “safe” location for the shy and fearful type cat.


Some cats may enjoy the company of 20 other cats, while others are unhappy with just one other cat in the household or any other kind of animal.  It is actually not natural for cats to live in social groups all the time as they spend most of their time in solitary circumstances, getting together for breeding and sometimes raising kittens together.  Cats usually see all living objects, including people in the home as part of the social group.  Adding to the group in any way can be upsetting to a cat.  One way of solving a multiple cat home environment is to provide plenty of nesting spots vertically like cat trees and shelving so as to give each cat a place of its own away from the others.

For new kitten owners, there are a few things you can do to help avoid house soiling problems.  They include:

  • Make the litter box location easily accessible, private and in a low traffic area
  • Try to provide at least one litter box per cat
  • Use finely-grained, non-scented litters
  • Do not put food and water beside the litter box
  • Scoop the litter box at least daily
  • Change clay litters at least once weekly
  • Change scoop able litters every 6 to 8 weeks
  • Avoid frightening the cat in the litter box, trapping or catching it there
  • Never punish a cat for house soiling
  • Make changes to the litter box filler or location very gradually
  • Call your vet when house soiling occurs to rules out any medical problems that may be causing the problem

Disclaimer:  The information in this article is not meant to diagnose or treat any kind of health problem in your cat.  You should always consult with a trusted veterinarian for all health problems.

Source:  The Winn Feline Foundation Online

postheadericon Many enlightened cat owners look to herbal treatment for cat health complaints

Many enlightened cat owners look to herbal treatment for cat health complaints. They are also using herbal treatments to keep their cat fit and healthy so that it can avoid getting these health complaints in the first place. This article examines how you can get the most out of herbal treatment for cat health.

  1. Holistic approach to cat health

    You need to look at all aspects of your cat’s health and not just one complaint in isolation. If your cat is stressed out, eating badly and not getting any exercise, then it is more likely to get sick. Happy, active cats with good diets are far less likely to get sick.

  2. Herbal treatments work best on healthy cats

    Following on from the point above, if your cat is in fine condition, the herbal treatments that you give him or her will be of much greater benefit. You are helping your cat’s own immune system fight back. If this was strong beforehand, then the fight back is going to be all the more pronounced.

  3. Prevention is better than cure

    Prevention is where herbal treatments are really at their most effective. Keeping your cat healthy keeps him or her away from illnesses and health complaints. You need to plan ahead and think about how you are going to keep kitty healthy, all year round. Pet fleas? Pet constipation? Pet diarrhea? Parasites? Stress? What is your approach to tackling these eventualities?

  4. Keep to regular dosing

    When your cat is taking herbal supplements it’s vital that you keep the dosing regular. It takes a little while for herbal treatments to take effect, so don’t expect immediate results. Depending on the goal, it can take a few days or weeks for the benefits to be realized.

  5. Don’t be afraid to use the vet in case of emergencies

    You cannot rely on herbal treatments for absolutely every single potential health problem that your cat might endure. There is a time for herbal treatment for cat health and there is a time for taking kitty to the vet. One does not exclude the other, so use your common sense to pick the appropriate course of action.

I hope that these hints help you get the most out of herbal treatment for cat health. It’s important to ensure that you have a proactive approach to keeping kitty healthy. For example, do you have a plan for how you are going to avoid her getting fleas? What are you doing to ensure her digestive health? A healthy cat is a happy cat.

postheadericon Raising rabbits for meat is a common business but it requires more dedication and attention compared to normal pet rabbit care

Raising rabbits for meat is a common business but it requires more dedication and attention compared to normal pet rabbit care. In this kind of business, the first thing that should be considered is the breed of rabbit to produce. The types which are commonly used in the business of raising rabbits for meat are the Californians and New Zealands because they are the fastest producing breeds. Most owners have purebred stocks of these types while some crossbreed them to produce babies that grow more quickly and are more vigorous. The New Zealand breed is one of the most popular among rabbit meat because they can already be sold in the market in just 8 weeks. The Californians, on the other hand, are highly demanded because of their plump yet fine-boned body structures.

Raising rabbits for meat is a business which is highly dependent on the quality of feeding that the producer does to his pets. Generally, rabbits are kinds of animals which consume different kinds of foods. However, if a producer wants to get quality meat, only commercial pellets or alfalfa hay should be given to them. Feeding these animals with lettuce or cabbage is not recommended because these vegetables can cause diarrhea problems. Giving the proper amount of the food is also important in raising rabbits for meat because overfeeding will cause too much accumulation of body fat. Once a doe becomes too fat, it may have some problems with kindling or breeding.

Knowing when to breed the parents is also important in raising rabbits for meat. Medium breeds are usually bred between 5-6 months while large breeds are not bred until they are 8 months. In choosing the animals to breed, make sure to choose those that are healthy and are not closely related. In mating the doe and the buck, the doe should be the one which should be placed in the cage of the buck because female rabbits are often territorial with their own cages.

The gestation period of these animals takes 31 days. The actual birth of the young also happens in this time frame. Also make sure that the doe is already placed in a comfortable nest a few days before her actual giving birth. Feeding the babies should not be a problem because the does naturally nurse their young. In cases when the mother has died though, the babies should be fed with a mixture made of skim milk, egg yolks, karo syrup, and bone meal.

postheadericon Excessive barking can really drive your neighbors mad

Excessive barking can really drive your neighbors mad. Especially if your dog is barking during the day when you are not at home. Every dog barks, its part of what makes up a dog, however, there is a fine line between normal barking and excessive barking. If you are finding that your dog is barking excessively and you really do not have the time to train him or her, a dog bark collar can really be of value to you.

There are two main types of Dog bark collars available on the market. Both will provide you with a way to apply corrective behaviour to your dog. The first main type is a static dog bark collar. This has a small box attached to the collar. When your dog barks, it emits a vibration that is uncomfortable to the dog and will make him correct himself.

Dogs naturally hate the smell of citronella. So the other main type of dog bark collar is a citronella collar. This collar is great if you really do not want to put a static collar on your dog. This emits a burst of citronella when your dog barks, this gets sprayed near his or her faces, and they will soon learn what happens each time they bark.

Boredom, excitement and anxiety are just some of the hundreds of reasons your dog will bark. You can easily train your dog to stop barking, that will require your time and a lot of patients. It is especially hard when your dog is only barking when you are not home. You can not really correct your dogs barking if you are not home to witness it. Thats where a dog bark collar comes in handy. It will quickly train your dog to stop barking even when you are not there to stop him or her.

Are you tired of your neighbors complaining about your dog? Chances are they are tried of complaining. Getting on with your neighbors is a must, especially if you have a barking dog that just will not stop. Many dogs are taken away from their families each and every day, all because of their barking. You can avoid this by investing in a dog barking collar that will train your dog fast to stop barking.

postheadericon If you’re looking for chicken house building plans, then this article is going to clue you in on a few things you should know

If you’re looking for chicken house building plans, then this article is going to clue you in on a few things you should know. Specifically, we’re going to talk about planning before you buy anything, whether you should build your own or buy a prebuilt one, and where you can find chicken coop plans. By the time you have finished reading this article, you’ll be ready for the next step in keeping your own chickens.

Let’s start by talking about the things you need to consider before you purchase a house for your chickens. Firstly, how many chickens do you want to keep? You will get a sizeable amount of eggs from just 3-5 chickens.

Also, where are you going to put the chicken house? If you’re keeping just a few chickens, the backyard is fine – but you will need to make sure the house is in the shade during the summer, and well protected against predators.

Another thing to consider is how much space do you have available? Each chicken will need at least 1sq foot of space – but the more space you can give them, the better.

Next, lets talking about buying a prebuilt chicken coop vs building your own. Buying a ready-made one is the “easiest” solution, but it will cost you several hundred dollars potentially. Most people don’t realize that it’s actually very simple to build your own, so this is the preferred choice.

Also, why not make a weekend project of it with the family? This can be very fun and rewarding for all involved.

Finally, where can you get step by step plans for building a chicken house? Your best bet is to use the internet. You will come across a few free designs, and the occasional “paid-for” design. The free ones can be useful to get ideas from, but the material lists are often incomplete or unclear – and you don’t want to start building only to find you can’t easily obtain all of the materials.

The “paid-for” designs tend to be a little more thought out, and use materials available from any DIY store.