Posts Tagged ‘land’
The sport of fly fishing has been around for years and years
The sport of fly fishing has been around for years and years. In medieval times, anglers fished for food, but the sport has evolved over the years to become a real test of skills. Anyone who has become involved in the sport of fly fishing knows how addictive in can be – but in a very good way!
Fly fishing is markedly different from regular fishing. With plain fishing, you use lures and often live bait to bring fish to your line and hook them. When you are fly fishing, you use a fly that resembles a real insect that the fish feed on naturally. The line is longer and you mimic the movement of the fly or insect on top of the water so that the fish thinks they are biting at a real insect.
Casting is constant in fly fishing. You put the fly out in the water and then draw it back several times so that the fish thinks the fly is landing on the water and then taking off again. With regular fishing, you cast your line and let it rest until the fish bites making the bobber sink into the water.
You can catch some pretty hefty fish using either method, but when you are fly fishing, you have the opportunity to “battle” the fish for survival. This can be extremely satisfying as man battles nature for the top position.
Flies are made out of natural materials in fly fishing while regular fishing utilizes latex and plastic lures made out of man-made materials. Many avid fly fishermen say that the fish are much more attracted to the natural lure rather than the man-made ones. This, they say, makes fly fishing an amazingly satisfying sport.
You can fish just about anywhere – a local pond, a lake, or even a reservoir. When you are fly fishing, you will want to go where the fish are most plentiful. That means traveling (perhaps) to rivers and streams where fish like trout and walleye are known to live. The challenge in fly fishing lies in making the fly look real to the fish below water.
Fly fishing in remote places like Alaska and Canada are great vacation getaways. You can plan a fly fishing trip to many different spots including Mexico, South America, and even Russia. That can be a great adventure – much more so than just fishing your local lake or pond.
Chess has been called “the sport of kings”, but many avid fly fishermen consider fly fishing to be the real sport of kings. It takes skill, finesse, and a lot of patience to get good at fly fishing. Thousands of anglers couldn’t agree more. When you’ve been fly fishing once, you’ll want to go back over and over and over again. May the fish bite well for you!
Declawing is a major surgery known as onychectomy, performed under anesthesia, that removes the tip of each digit (from the first knuckle out) of the cat’s forepaws
Declawing is a major surgery known as onychectomy, performed under anesthesia, that removes the tip of each digit (from the first knuckle out) of the cat’s forepaws. There is a slight chance of death in the surgery, and a declawed cat may have an increased risk of infection and life-long discomfort in its paws. This surgery is not recommended for an adult animal and is considered an act of animal cruelty in some countries (see below).
People generally have cats declawed to prevent them from hunting and from damaging furniture. Rarely, vicious cats are declawed. In the United States, some landlords require that tenants’ cats be declawed.
Veterinarians are generally critical of the procedure and some refuse to perform it because the absence of claws in a cat:
- Deprives it of its main defense abilities, including escaping from predators by climbing trees;
- Impairs its stretching and exercise habits, leading to muscle atrophy;
- Compromises its ability to balance on thin surfaces such as railings and fence tops, leading to injury from falls;
- Can cause insecurity and a subsequent tendency to bite.
This operation is rare outside of North America. In Finland, Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland, declawing is forbidden by the laws against cruelty to animals.[17] In many other European countries, it is forbidden under the terms of the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, unless “a veterinarian considers [such] non-curative procedures necessary either for veterinary medical reasons or for the benefit of (the) animal”. [18] In Britain, animal shelters find it difficult to place imported cats that have been declawed and subsequently most are euthanized.
An alternative to declawing is the application of blunt, vinyl nail caps that are affixed to the claws with nontoxic glue, requiring periodic replacement when the cat sheds its claw sheaths (about every four to six weeks). However, the cat will still experience difficulties because the capped nails are not as effective as claws.
If you are going to keep and look after chickens surely one of the most important factors involved is going to be their living accommodation
If you are going to keep and look after chickens surely one of the most important factors involved is going to be their living accommodation. Building poultry sheds is certainly a far better method for housing chickens as this way you at least get a chicken house or poultry shed that suits your exact requirements, more importantly theirs. Buying poultry housing can be very expensive and you do not always get what you and your poultry need.
Lets face it having your own chickens is one of those little luxuries in life that almost everyone with a little land should be able to experience. The thrill and excitement of waking to find that your very own chickens have produced a marvel overnight in the form of fresh free range eggs.
Keeping these little lovelies costs you very little. Before long they will become the focal point of your life, and why not? After all they are exceptionally friendly and very entertaining, but as with any livestock they need the proper care and attention to keep them happy and healthy.
Having poultry is a big responsibility and one that should not be entered into or taken lightly, their comfort and safety should be paramount if they are to not only survive, but also provide you with an abundance of highly desirable and tasty eggs.
When it comes to their housing, building poultry sheds is an economic and practical answer to providing chickens with suitable safe and sturdy poultry complex. Nothing too small or too shabby would be acceptable as your chickens can live to the ripe old age of 12 human years, but an average of 5 to 7 would be normal.
Building poultry sheds can be easy when you are given the correct information. They are practical, easy to assemble and can save you a fortune. There are dozens of websites that claim to offer chicken house plans, but very few offer more than a single design. The best chicken coop designs website online has been endorsed by thousands of chicken breeders and owners so far and is well worth you reviewing.
Birds can be attracted to your home and surroundings simply by offering food, water and shelter, the three most important ingredients for all living creatures
Birds can be attracted to your home and surroundings simply by offering food, water and shelter, the three most important ingredients for all living creatures. I want to share with you how I have crated a paradise in my own backyard that is loaded with birds year round.
First-You must discover what species of birds live in your area. You also must know that some of these species you discover will come and go depending on what time of year it is and whether they are migrant birds or birds that live near you year round. There are several ways to go about this discovery but one of the easiest ways to get this information is from your local Audubon Society. They will most likely have a bird list specific to your area and loads of information on those specific birds.
Second-You must find out which species of birds live in your specific habitat. Do live in a wooded area? Is it a mixed forest with conifers and deciduous trees or maybe more of a savanna with grasses and Oak trees? Do you live on a farm in the country or in a big city neighborhood? Different species of birds are adapted to different environments and this will be a defining factor in your decisions on which birds you want to attract to your yard and what kind of feeders and birdhouses you will put up. A good field guide to birds will be invaluable in this respect.
Third-So you know which birds live in your area and may be attracted to your yard in your specific habitat, now what? You need to put up some bird feeders! Birds can live very easily without you putting up bird feeders but you want to see them don’t you? If you want to see them, you have to get them closer to your house. This requires that you put up some bird feeders, but which ones? There are so many different kinds.
The best thing to do is put up a variety of feeders if they are appropriate for your habitat. Here are a few suggestions. A starling-resistant suet feeder, a house or tube feeder for sunflower seed, a bluebird feeder, a wire mesh cage feeder for peanuts, a nectar feeder, a tube feeder for thistle, a stationary or tray fruit feeder and a house or platform feeder for millet.
Fourth-Whatever types of feeders you install, make sure they are safe from predators. Cats are the number one killer of songbirds. Make sure your bird feeders are safe from cats or better yet, keep your cats indoors. If you have squirrels around, make sure you mount your bird feeders so the squirrels can’t get to them or purchase squirrel proof bird feeders.
Fifth-Water is essential for birds. Not only do most birds need water to survive, they love to bath in it! Even without putting up bird feeders, you can attract many birds by installing a bird bath or fountain in your yard. If you have the choice, install a fountain or a waterfall as moving water will not only attract more birds but you will also attract other wildlife as well.
Sixth-Shelter for your birds. If you want to enjoy bird watching to the fullest degree, you must put up birdhouses. The thrill of watching birds go through their mating rituals and raising their young is unforgettable. There are birdhouses for all different species of cavity nesting birds. It is important to note however that not all birds use birdhouses. It is also important to choose only birdhouses that are safe and built specifically for the species of bird you want to raise.
Seventh-Landscape for the birds. If you have the ability to landscape around your house, use native plants that attract wild birds. You can get a list of plants for your area from a local nursery or arbor society.
Many times it is hard to decide whether to get freshwater aquarium plants or to go with fake plants
Many times it is hard to decide whether to get freshwater aquarium plants or to go with fake plants. It is the same sort of decision you also have to make for your home. Do you want real, live houseplants or artificial plants? Certainly live plants create a more natural environment, and for fish this translates into being more comfortable in their surroundings. Both live and fake plants provide places for fish to hide, which keeps aggressive fish from bullying smaller fish.
Fake or live plants?
The big advantage of fake plants is that they require absolutely no care whatsoever, but in an aquarium they do get covered with algae and need to be consistently cleaned. Even those big algae-eating bottom dwellers don’t like to clean off fake plants. Live freshwater aquarium plants not only look more natural, they help you to keep your fish healthier. They deliver oxygen to the water and take in nitrates, which fish expel. There are also many fish who like to eat plants and unless you have some aggressive plant-eaters, you will only notice some nibbled edges now and then. Stay away from Silver Dollars, as they can destroy an entire underwater garden in a day.
Live plant selection
While live plants require more care and may need some specific lighting changes to grow well, if you get just the right plants they will provide a completely natural habitat for your fish. There are many different types of freshwater aquarium plants and all have different characteristics. For instance, floating plants, as you probably guessed, float on the top of the tank. Rhizomes are horizontal plants and they have roots which act like a runner across the bottom of your tank’s substrate. They have leaves on top but grow horizontally. If you have a small tank they can fill it up pretty fast.
A good example of a floating plant is the floating fern. These plants will thrive with hardly any effort at all on your part. You will need to trim them just like you would prune outside plants. If you don’t they will cover the entire top of the tank and leave you no open water at all. If you are conscientious about trimming, however, they make a nice looking plant for fish to hide underneath. Plants with rhizomes can include anubias, which are good for beginners because they are pretty much indestructible. They don’t need a lot of carbon dioxide like some other plants and a plectostomus can keep them clean of algae.
Java Moss is a very popular aquarium plant. It can grow on the bottom of the tank, or it can attach itself to rocks, driftwood, or other structures. The great thing about java moss is that it doesn’t require special lighting like many other freshwater aquarium plants. And, some fish will lay their eggs in the moss, and this is an especially good characteristic if you want to have more fish.
A few other hardy plants you will want to check out are Cryptocoryne or crypts. They grow slowly and further down in the tank where the lighting is not good for many other kinds of plants. One of the most colorful is the cryptocoryne beckettii, which has the unusual ability to grow underwater and on land. The Amazon sword is one of the most popular freshwater aquarium plants, and it really depends on what you have for fish whether this plant is a success or a failure. It needs lots of light, fertilizer and carbon dioxide to do well.
No matter what you end up choosing for freshwater aquarium plants, the chances are you will be happy with the looks of the habitat they create. The amount of carbon dioxide and oxygen in your water will determine which ones do well and which ones do not. Just make any necessary adjustments and remember to trim the plants so that you don’t end up with an underwater jungle.