August 2009
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Archive for August 20th, 2009

postheadericon Beagles are wonderful family companions

Beagles are wonderful family companions. But, is it following its beagle training? We know that not all dogs are absolutely obedient no matter how hard you tried to teach them techniques especially using the bathroom in the proper areas.

Some people think that animals are not following instructions to show vengeance in your beagle training efforts. It’s just a misconception! It’s just that, dogs are only capable for simple, direct emotions, such as being happy, sad or scared. They don’t have the mind and the heart to seek revenge for every pain coming from your hand or from every verbal punishment you issued when he accidentally dropped his dirt into your spotless floor in the living room.

However, dogs remember and draw upon past experiences that they associate with current situations. But you should understand that these associations only create an emotion in which they will feel when going through a similar experience.

Just like the previous example, you punish your beagle for dropping his dirt somewhere in your living room area. If you continue to scold him for this behavior, then he may eventually develop bathroom problems. Your dog might think that letting out his dirt will mean punishment from you.

That is why it is important to avoid punishing or yelling at your Beagle when he accidentally drop his thing inside the house. Housetraining problems are usually the result of owners instilling fear in their pets when they go potty on the floor. This causes strain that could possibly halt your training efforts.

The best thing to do is trying not to react to what happened. Just remove your dog from the area and calmly take him outside. Do not let him see you cleaning up his mess. Quietly clean the area using products specifically made to remove animal stains. You can also use an enzyme-containing cleaner, a vinegar or a liquid soap. It is important to remove all the odor so that you dog will not urinate and mark the same spot again and again. Just a tip, avoid using ammonia because its has the same smell as that of a dog’s urine and can stimulate him to pee in the same area.

Despite your best Beagle training efforts, if he is still unable to follow, the best solution is to visit your veterinarian for a complete check up of your dog to find out the reason for his inability to become trained. There might be some health-related reasons for this problem.

postheadericon Keeping your pet well groomed is an essential part of being a new pet owner

Keeping your pet well groomed is an essential part of being a new pet owner. We have compiled a few tasks that each owner should do on a regular basis. If you make sure these things get done, you will keep your pet happy and healthy.

Trimming your dogs’ nails is critical in keeping your pet free from toe infections. You should always keep your pet dogs nails trimmed to the proper length. Taking a daily walk with your pet will help wear down their nails. If trimming their nails doesn’t make you queasy, you can pick up a pair of nail clippers at your favorite online pet store and trim them yourself. You want to be sure not to cut them too short as their nails will bleed and cause them discomfort. If you don’t feel that you can trim their nails or that your dog might be aggressive when you’re trying to trim them, you can take your pet for a minimal charge to your groomer or veterinarian.

Keeping your dogs ears clean is necessary to prevent excessive wax build up and prevent diseases or pests from settling in. Since most dogs’ ears lie down and cover the bigger opening they aren’t susceptible to most ear problems. However, dos with ears that stand up are especially vulnerable to many dangers. Most online pet stores carry a variety of dog-ear cleaners, which are very simple to use. In most cases, you simply put a small amount of ear cleaner on a cotton ball and swab the outer surface of the inner ear. Regular cleaning of your dogs’ ears will reduce the chance of ear infections and help eliminate pests such as ear mites.

If you’re not comfortable cleaning your dogs ears, you can always take your pet dog to your groomer or veterinarian and they will clean your ears for you. If you’re cleaning your dog’s ears and notice that they have long hairs you can remove those gently by using a set of hemostats. In most cases, we believe this to the groomers or veterinarians’ job.

Giving your dog a bath is a great way to bond with your pet. You can purchase shampoos and conditioners designed and formulated specifically for your pet. It is not recommended to use flea and tick shampoos unless your pet absolutely needs it to get rid of those nasty pests. One of the most important things you should be aware of when giving your pet a bath is to make sure you thoroughly rinse your pet so that it does not cause any skin problems. Leaving the shampoo on your pet can cause extremely dry skin, which will cause your dog to scratch and ultimately end up in a nasty skin infection. Any dog that has a thick or matted coat should always be brushed out before giving them a bath. This ensures that you can adequately bathe all layers of your dogs fur. Bathing them before you do this will only make the problem worse Towel drying your pet dog is recommended, but you can use specially made doggie hair dryers. Be careful not to bathe your pet too frequently, only once every couple of months unless they are extremely dirty.

Brushing your dog regularly will keep shedding at bay and also help the coat to shine. Regular brushing of your pet stimulates natural oils in the skin and help to keep it healthy in shining. Frequent brushing will also help eliminate problems such as matting and tangles. While brushing you also get hands-on time, which keeps you well informed of your dogs health. This allows you to notice if there’s a new growth, cut or bite that you’ve never noticed before. If you see anything unusual, be sure to inspect it further and take your pet to the vet if necessary.

These simple tasks will keep your pet healthy and free from major medical problems. It is important to be diligent about the things you can control, because there are always circumstances you can’t. Take care of your pet and they will reward you for years to come.