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postheadericon Have you ever noticed that sometimes your dog has really bad breath and you’re not even sure why

Have you ever noticed that sometimes your dog has really bad breath and you’re not even sure why?  You’re certain that your feeding them healthy food and not feeding them any treats or other foods that are sources of bad breath.  Did you ever stop to consider the fact that maybe you’re not brushing your dog’s teeth enough.  This could be the number one cause of bad breath in dogs.  

There are a number of reasons why you should keep up with the task of cleaning your dog’s teeth, and bad doggy breath is certainly at the top of the list.  Sure you enjoy hanging out on the couch watching a movie with your dog right beside you, but not if his breath is so bad that you can’t stand it.  If you start to notice that his breath is bad, then that means that you have failed to keep up with the cleaning of your dogs teeth.  You can also see that your dog needs to have his teeth cleaned by looking at them closely.  You’ll see buildup starting to show towards their gums which is often dark yellow to light green in color.  This is generally what we know as tartar.  

Bad breath is not the only problem associated with not cleaning your teeth properly.  Your dog can also experience forms of gingivitis which is caused by not keeping up with tooth care, as well as a general weakening of the gums that surround the teeth.  In order to prevent this and other types of conditions, you have to keep up with the daily care of your dog’s entire mouth.

So how do you clean your dog’s teeth?  Well it’s actually pretty simple.  The bare minimum tools require is a toothbrush, preferably one that is used for brushing a baby’s teeth.  Since dogs teeth and gums are more sensitive than human teeth, they require a softer brush so they are not scraped or scratched during the process of brushing.  As far as the technique of brushing goes, you can use a similar technique that you would use when brushing your own.  You can dip the toothbrush in a water to provide a more rinsing brush, or if you want to use toothpaste, there are certain types of toothpaste available for dogs that come in all types of flavors.  

Cleaning your dogs teeth should be done on a regular basis in order to keep them as clean as possible and free from any issues such as bad breath, dog gingivitis, or other complications that may arise from not cleaning on a regular basis.  Keeping your dog’s teeth fresh and clean will keep your dog happy and you as well.

postheadericon Dog training helps you to change your dog’s behavior

Dog training helps you to change your dog’s behavior. By training your dog in a proper way, they will listen to your commands such as walk, come, sit, stand and hence your dogs will decrease jumping, barking and biting.

Few dogs are very friendly and easier to train. In case, if your dog is not responding to your dog training program, then you need to follow the below given tips:

1. Spend at least 10 minutes every day to train your dog. Few dogs will not respond to your commands because the training program is a collection of fits and starts. If you spend a few minutes on Monday, nothing until Thursday, and again you start on Saturday, then it would be difficult for your dog to learn the commands.

2. Managing your dog’s behavior is a major part of dog training program. To make success we need to understand and apply basic management skills. Dogs misbehave a lot when you are not around them. Destructive behaviors, chewing, house training all these tend to happen when you are not at home. One of the best management tools is use “crate” which allows you to leave your dog lonely without the opportunity to get into trouble.

3. Don’t feed your dog frequently because “food” can be used as a strong motivator to your dog. It’s very difficult to use the food to reinforce behavior, when your dog is allowed to eat whenever it feels like.

4. Make your dog to look at you when you give any command to it. Most of the dogs fail to pay attention to owners command. So, always make sure that you have your dog’s attention before you give the command.

5. Dogs are always active animals. Most dogs were bred work long hours in the field. They have never had to herd sheep or any other type of livestock. We have to make sure that they get exercise in other ways such as retrieving games, tug games, hiking, and swimming.

6. Whatever you are trying to teach your dog has to have a value. If you are teaching your dog a behavior that you want to happen it over and over again, start to get back the behavior. You need to apply the type of value for the behavior.

7. Dogs are animals that always respond to a social structure. If you are really serious about dog training then you should establish the leadership quality. The better you are at being the leader the better your dog will respond to you. Establish the leadership quality and your dog will listen to you much better.

By these basic tips, you will start to get the results that you are looking for. It is also very important to remember that you can train your dog.

postheadericon Congratulations

Congratulations! So you’ve made the commitment to add a puppy to your family and are shopping for puppy collars. You are off to a good start because your puppy’s collar is an important part of your puppy’s training, safety, and grooming.

With so many types of puppy collars on the market, it’s hard to decide which type of puppy collar will be right for your pup. So here’s a short list of things to consider in helping you find the right collar for your puppy.

  • Adjustability. Puppies grow fast, so getting a puppy or dog collar with room to grow is an important feature. You will eventually need to buy another collar to accommodate your pup’s growth, so look for a collar length that your puppy can wear for at least 6 months. A collar that increases by at least 4″ will allow for growth while providing a good fit.
  • Comfort. Some Puppies take to collars right away, and others need time to adjust to wearing a collar. It can be funny to watch your pup try to wriggle it’s way out of a collar, but if the collar is lightweight, soft and flexible, s/he will quickly become accustomed to wearing it. Stay away from stiff materials that do not bend or give.
  • Safety. Puppies, just like kids, can get into all kinds of mischief, so you want a dog collar that has a quick release buckle should you need to remove the collar in an emergency. Unlike buckle collars, a quick release won’t snag as easily as a buckle collar will.
  • Training. The collar and leash are essential training tools for teaching your dog certain commands. A properly fitted collar is important for puppy training. You should be able to fit two fingers comfortably through the collar when on your puppy’s neck. Choke and martingale collars are more suitable for adult dogs and are helpful where traditional training methods have failed.
  • Grooming and appearance. There’s nothing more unsightly than a worn and smelly collar on a freshly bathed or groomed puppy. So get a washable collar in materials that will hold a fresh scent. Collars come in many fun designs and colors, so shop for one that suits his/her personality – and yours!

postheadericon Pet clippers: pet grooming is very substantial for the welfares of your dog

Pet Clippers: Pet Grooming is very substantial for the welfares of your dog. If you need him to anticipate pleasant and exquisite forever as Fortunate as to scent neat, then you have to make particular that your dog is developed on a regular basis. Immediately, while you can easily fetch your pet to a pet shop so that he can be disciplined there, you can also try Conditioning him yourself. Although this is not an Gentle task because you would genuinely need to work with your dog on this, it can be a very rewarding feel. You would only need a extraordinary twin of pet clippers, some brushes, dog shampoo and conditioner, and you are already off to a easy start. Too, one of the rattling things about Training your dog on your in-person is that you will be efficient keep some sum of money.

Let the Pet Clippers Do the Chore

While you know that you can hold the brush and the bathing yourself, you might experience a little upset about shaving your dog’s hair yourself. In Point Of Fact, this could believably be the reason why you lend him to pet shop in the first place. Better, you have to be aware that it is utterly safe to trim your dog’s hair using a couple of high quality pet clippers. Think Of that while pet clippers can easy clip away your dog’s hair, it cannot cut into his skin. As such it is very much safe to use. Aside from this, a twin of pet clippers can do the Chore of clipping faster and more accurately than standardized trimmers. This is because it is cleaner to hold, making it a down tool to be used even by founders when it comes to the Disciplining process.

When to Start Clipping Out

You must be aware, nonetheless, of the fact that while pet clippers are Charming to use, they may not be assembled with neat ebullience by your dog. This is because they give off a thundering sound when burned that might scare your dog off. Per Se, it is best to train your dog to get used to a duo of pet clippers by using some wandering tactic when you are Preparing him. For your first time in using a couple of pet clippers, you can disorder your dog by giving him a treat or by having someone start the parts of his body where he likes to be scratched. This Manner, he will not focus on the sound of the clippers but on what you have given him or the delight that he is feel from being scratched. Once you have him oblivious sufficient, you can start clipping outside at his surface.

great Pet Clippers from Pet Depot

If you want to buy a duo of pet clippers to be confident to save on Training disbursements for your dog, you could visit Pet Depot Online for this. There are a number of neat options of clippers on this website, and they come with prices that you would be confident to see as average enough as Recovered.

postheadericon Collies come in two different varieties, ‘smooth’ and ‘rough

Collies come in two different varieties, ‘smooth’ and ‘rough.’ Rough collies require much more grooming, but smoothes do need to be groomed regularly to keep their coats healthy. Collies have a double coat of hair, meaning there is a thick undercoat and an outer coat of thinner and flatter hair.

A smooth collie has shorter hair like that of a Labrador or Dalmatian. The hair is short and smooth with a thick undercoat. Rough collies have a long and flowing topcoat and a dense undercoat. You can keep your collie looking good, no matter what the variety, with regular brushing.

You’ll need a pin brush, a slicker brush, a comb, scissors and a spray bottle filled with a conditioner spray. You can buy a commercial conditioner spray, or make your own using 1 to 2 tablespoons of dog conditioner diluted with water. Make sure it is diluted well or the spray will make your Collie’s coat greasy.

Make sure to spray your dog’s hair thoroughly before you start to brush. Never brush a Collie’s coat dry because it will break their hair. If you have a rough collie, part the dog’s hair and brush from the roots out. The pin brush can be used if your dog is not shedding and is free of matting.

The slicker brush and comb are helpful for shedding dogs and for removing mats. If a mat cannot be brushed out of the Collie’s hair, you can cut it out. Collies most often have matted hair behind their ears, underneath the front legs and on their underbelly so make sure to check those areas carefully. For a smooth collie, a slicker brush will suffice for both the undercoat and outer coat.

You should brush your collie everyday during shedding seasons, and at least once a week when they are not shedding. Regular brushing is important to remove the dead hair. If left alone, the dead hair will cause hot spots on your dog’s skin.

Collies generally do not require all over trimming, but you might want to keep their feet trimmed. With a small pair of scissors, carefully trim the hair around each footpad.

This will keep your collie’s feet clean. While you are working with your collie’s feet, you can also trim the nails. This should be done every 1 to 2 weeks to keep the nails from getting too long.

If your collie is a puppy, you can train them to be used to a Dremel tool with a sandpaper attachment. Apply light pressure with the Dremel and grind down to just before the pink quick.

The alternative to using the Dremel is to use a standard dog nail trimmer. Before you clip the dog’s nails, find the pink quick and cut just before that point. Cutting into the quick will make the dog’s nail bleed. If this happens, styptic powder is helpful to have on hand to stop the bleeding.

Finally, remember to clean your Collie’s ears about once a week. You can purchase a canine ear cleaner at any pet store. Squirt the ear cleaner into your dog’s ear canal and then rub the base of the ear. This will help the ear cleaner coat the inside of the ear canal. You can use a cotton ball to remove the excess cleaner and then allow the ear canal to dry naturally.