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Archive for June 24th, 2010

postheadericon Raising a healthy pig at home commences with the process of bio-security

Raising a healthy pig at home commences with the process of bio-security. Bio-security basically is the culmination of precautions taken to minimize the possibility of introducing infections and disease among the animal population, policies and measures taken for protecting a nation’s food supply and agricultural resources and last but not the least, set of preventative measures taken to reduce the risk of introducing or spreading of the disease.

The process of bio-security becomes active and slowly gains momentum when your first purchase your pig and thereafter is an ongoing process. You can protect you pig from contaminating any disease and infections by using sterilized, clean farm specific clothes and boots when tending to the herd. Diseases can also be kept at bay by disinfecting, cleaning and drying the show equipment and vehicles before they are used in succession. Isolating animals that have been purchased or are returning from a show from the healthy or non sick ones also helps to keep the coast clear from any infections.

Pigs also have brighter chances to sustain a healthy lifestyle if you and your animal are in close association of a veterinarian. A veterinarian can do an informative job of guiding you to adapt the bio-security features to the kind of production system that you have at home and also the knowledge of the various diseases in your area. If your pig does get sick, your veterinarian is at close call and can immediately diagnose and treat the disease. Before you decide on your pig’s entry in an exhibition or show, it is suggestive to consult your veterinarian in order to map out a vaccination protocol and bio-security specific program as pigs are commingled and more susceptible to transmitting diseases at such swine exhibitions.

The sanitation process that involves a 3 step procedure of cleaning, disinfecting and eventually drying the show equipment, if implemented religiously, will go a long way in curbing the introduction and transmission of infections. A control on the presence and exposure to wildlife, birds and rodents must be administered as it is an easy medium of transmission of infections by these pests. Preventative measures undertaken to control such pests is cleaning up of any food spills, getting rid of ay debris and disposing off any dead pigs as well. Vehicles too bear the potential of carrying infection onto your farm. Areas that have access to your pig herd must be controlled by designating a specific area to an off farm traffic which is not closely associated with your pigs.

Pigs are prone to infections when they are left scot-free in the open as well. They may feast on garbage where other disease causing micro organisms could be breeding and a vicious cycle would begin hence forth. The pigs with the infection would transmit it to other animals and so on. Measures should be taken to eradicate waste before it piles up and invited unwanted problems. Pigs that need to be exhibited on shows need to be infection free and must be isolated after returning as they too could be carriers of diseases. A pig’s health and security are of equal importance and ample preventative measures must be taken to protect them from unwanted infections that can lead to death.