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Archive for June 4th, 2010

postheadericon Do you really need a pet insurance

Do you really need a pet insurance? The answer is very simple: it’s a big NO. No, no, no, you don’t need a pet insurance but your pet does. Seriously speaking, when you talk about pet insurance, other people would usually raise one eyebrow. Others may even raise both arms to protest, figuratively. One big question mark can be seen sitting comfortably on their head: Is pet insurance really worth it? Why not find it out right now?

Pets are living longer and it’s because of the love and care you’re giving to them. You sometimes pay more for their treatment when they get sick or injured or there are some other things that might happen to them. And when you’re standing on the edge of a cliff, you might get to wonder: “Wow, I just realize that I’m spending more for my pet than I have presumed. Why, I even spend more for my little tabby than for my own and my family.”

Yes, that’s right. One of these days, you’re going to be thinking that way and you could decide that you need to cut down some expenses for your pet.

That’s okay and that’s perfectly alright but don’t you know you can cut down on expenses for their treatments without ever depriving them of the love and care and treatment that you’ve been giving to your pet which he is now accustomed to? The answer is pet insurance. If your pet is affected with diseases and needs veterinary treatment, the cost can be expensive and this is the result of a surge in pet insurance and depending on situations, a pet insurance can be expensive or not, an overkill or not.

So, does your pet need pet insurance? As what have said, it depends. If you have a small pet, a bird or a smaller dog or cat that isn’t that hyperactive, they may be less likely prone to accidents and therefore less likely to require expensive emergency attention.

If you’re willing to shoulder all the expenses for paying treatment for your pet, insurance is deemed unnecessary. But sometimes, a chronic illness or a serious accident could make you end up shelling out hundreds of dollars and in this case, insurance is well worth considering especially if your dog behaves like a horse. So it depends upon the situation. If you have a Border Collie which is considered very hyperactive, pet insurance. But if you have a two-toed sloth, no more pet insurance, get the point? Always depends on the situation.

You may also opt for a self-insurance. You set aside a sum of money each month and build up that some in case of situations or emergencies uncalled for. But the problem to his solution is what if your pet has caught a severe illness in the first few months of your self-insurance? Now, that’s where the headaches lie and self-insurance doesn’t cover you for liability. What if your dog bites someone? That someone might bite back at you.

All in all, after weighing the odds, if you’re very concerned with your pet’s welfare and yours, sometimes a pet insurance is your best choice. With insurance, it covers the illness & injuries of your pet. You get instant coverage the next day as long as the insurance takes effect and it protects you from other people when they get bitten by your dog or something like that. But the last question is, where can you find a nice, affordable and reliable pet insurance? Could there be something worthy to choose over the Internet? So, how about it? Pet insurance, anyone?