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postheadericon Iguanas are usually small in size

Iguanas are usually small in size. But sometimes they are so huge in size that they would require more space to roam about. Thus you need to learn to build a proper cage.

The aspect to be given importance is the size. The cage must be very spacious because they are reptiles who originally belong to the wild life.

There are people who believe that the growth of Iguana can be restricted to the size of the cage. This concept seems silly and is definitely untrue. The growth of Iguanas is faster in the first quarter and slows down gradually.

So it is better to make sure that proper space and resources are available before you buy an Iguana. Consider this; a newly born Iguana can fill a 60 gallon spaced aquarium in just a year’s healthy growth.

A small and tiny cage is sufficient for an Iguana from its birth to a period of six months. A tiny aquarium is enough but you should be mentally ready to invest for the second time because after 6 months of age Iguana grows at a faster pace.

The humidity and temperature of the cage must also be considered before you build one. Iguanas are generally cold blooded so it must be ensured that the cage is warm enough and at the same time not too hot.

The installation of a basking point with temperature varying from 89 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit must not be forgotten and air temperature must be around 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Different parts of the cage should have different temperatures for the regulation of air and for the stability of body temperature.

Fluorescent tubes or mercury vapor lamps can be used to provide such conditions. The usage of hot rocks is also suggested. This idea is definitely against vegetarians. If they burn Iguana then it might culminate to severe bruises and infection or even death.

The cage should be assisted with proper humidity. A humidity range of 65 to 70 will do for an appropriate Iguana cage. A humidifier can do the job of providing necessary level of humidity. If not affordable, spraying water at regular intervals would be just fine.

The humidity can also be controlled by placing a big bowl of water in the cage.

The digestion process is assisted by certain lighting conditions in the cage. This helps in their survival. Sunrays contain ultra violet light that assists the growth of the Iguana. They perform several functions given below.

UVB and UVA lights are required in large amounts for their survival. The UVB helps in producing the vitamin D3 that is an important component required for the digestion process. The UVA promotes their natural behavior.

The most accessible and cheap way to provide UV rays is by letting sunlight into the cage. By providing windows the can be exposed to sunlight. These are certain aspects to note.

It is tough to create such a cage like that of a biodiversity at home but if these help in their healthy survival, they can as well be provided happily.

In case you decide to have a giant Iguana as a pet then one has to be mentally prepared for the arrangements he or she has to make. They are already on the verge of becoming extinct and hence buying them and not treating them well will not be fair on our part. So decide well before you are sure to have an Iguana as a pet.

postheadericon A window pet door is usually made for small animals like kittens and puppies

A window pet door is usually made for small animals like kittens and puppies. It’s because we usually use flaps or screen doors on it and the materials is not for animals heavier than 20 pounds.

You may already have a window opening on your balcony where your pet can enter and exit through. But it is not always that you can you leave your windows open. Burglars and other intruders can enter inside your house.

On the other hand, if you put a screen on your window, cats can figure out that they can have their way inside by crawling a hole through the screen.

They could also accidentally break your pots or vases.

To solve this problem, you may want to install a window pet door for your pet. This type of door is not only made for cats, it is also preferred for small animals like puppies. This window pet door has thin aluminum or plastic frames.

The materials are not extremely strong so it is not recommended for big animals like large breeds of dogs. They can easily be damaged if the dog going through is more than 20 pounds.   

You can install window pet screen and flaps for ease of use. A window screen is also a sturdy place to attach a pet door as long as it is intended for small animals like puppies. You can install a window pet door in the screen of your window to let your pet come and go. It is a plastic door held closed usually by a small magnet.

To install a window screen mounted door, you have to cut a perfectly good window screen. If you happen to cut a hole in the top of the screen instead of the bottom, you may have to replace your window screen and start the process all over again.

To avoid this mistake, try marking the location of the pet screen door with a masking tape or use a pencil so you’ll know where is the top and bottom of your screen. This way, you’ll know where you’ll cut the screen.

Tips in installing a window screen pet door
1. Place a piece of plywood or a thick board on the ground. Lie half of the frame of the pet door on top of it.

2. Next, lay the window screen on top-half of the door and the wooden board to line the entrance in the correct position. Move the screen until the pet door lines up with the pencil marks or tape marks you made on the screen.

3. You can use the grooves from the dog or cat door all the way around the frame as a guide to cutting a door-sized hole in the screen.

4. To roll the screen in, use a screen roller to roll the edges of the cut screen into the dog frame with screen spline. After this, your gate is complete and you can now reinstall the screen.

Your pet can be easily trained to use this type of door. He will only need to push the flap if he wants to enter or exit the house. The magnet keeps the flap closed while your screen keeps the bags out even if the window is open.

Putting window pet doors in the screen just lets the pet come and go as they please so long as the window is open. With this type of pet door, you’ll never have to worry about your pets going back to your place.