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postheadericon My jack russell terrier vinny was full of playful energy when i first brought him home

My Jack Russell Terrier Vinny was full of playful energy when I first brought him home. He was 12 weeks old, confident and fearless. And though he had flawless breeding there was one little challenge I had to face – housebreaking my new pet.

Now in theory housebreaking is simple. It is a means of preventing the puppy from going potty inside the house and affording him the opportunity to do his business outside. And though Vinny was cheerful, he could at times, by the nature of his breed, be a little stubborn. Jack Russell Terriers are creatures of habit, and as such learn by association.

Here is a solid plan for housebreaking your Jack Russell puppy.

1. When you bring your puppy home carry him from the car to the yard. Pick a spot on the grass and wait for him to potty. When he does give him lots of praise. Jack Russell Terriers are very praise oriented.

2. Jack Russell puppies need to relieve themselves about five or six times a day. Take your puppy out immediately after each meal. A full stomach puts pressure on the bladder and colon. Puppies have limited bladder control and do not know they have to go potty until the second they go. Don’t expect your pup to let you know ahead of time. As a rule expect to take your puppy outdoors every two hours and first thing in the morning. Be observant, if your puppy begins sniffing while circling an area this is a good indication that he has to potty. Immediately take him outside. By preventing accidents inside the house you will teach him that the only bathroom is the one outside.

3. Establish a regular routine for feeding and potty trips. This will help you control times he should go out and prevent accidents in the house. First thing in the morning take him outside for a potty break (remember to praise) then inside the house for playtime, meal break, back outside, nap, outside, etc. After a time your puppy will let you know when he needs to go outside. It helps to have a specific area in which your Jack Russell can relieve himself. He will catch on more quickly.

4. In spite of a regimented routine, your Jack Russell may have an occasional accident in the house. This is when corrective action is necessary. You do not need to hit your dog. The tone of your voice is enough to make your puppy know you are unhappy. A firm “No!” is all that is needed. Immediately take your pup outside to the designated area. Wait for him to go again and if and when he does, praise him. Remember, a dog learns by association and in connection with any act of wrong doing, he must receive some form of discipline in order to learn that he has done wrong. However, you must catch him in the act – it does no good to punish him for an accident he has made even five minutes earlier.

In summary, housebreaking your new Jack Russell is going to take patience. You should begin the housebreaking process as soon as you bring your new puppy home. You must be willing to invest the proper amount of time and energy for just a few weeks in housetraining. The effort you put in now will last for the rest of your Jack Russell’s life.

postheadericon The idea of a siberian husky pops in mind whenever one considers adopting a dog which would suit the general needs of the family

The idea of a Siberian husky pops in mind whenever one considers adopting a dog which would suit the general needs of the family. Indeed, with its gentle nature and liveliness, Siberian huskies are suitable even for families with small children. When considering whether to get a Siberian husky, it is important for families to carefully evaluate if they have the time and ability to care for the dog in the first place. The fact is, Siberian huskies do require a substantial amount of care in order to ensure their good health and physical well-being.

The first step to caring for your Siberian husky would be to provide adequately for its nutritional needs. Generally, Siberian huskies require ample supplies of fresh food and water for their growth. To meet the dog’s nutritional needs, ample supplies of white meat and fish is necessary. Siberian huskies require a great deal of protein and fat in their diet in order to prevent growth of hip dysplasia, which is a common illness found in the Siberian husky breed. High quality fresh food is preferable to commercially available food for the case of the Siberian husky. Also, supplement your Siberian husky’s diet with ample amounts of fish oil. Canned sardines provide a relatively cheap source to this and contain high levels of Omega 3 required for the husky to develop healthy coats of fur and nails.

Subsequently, it is important to take your Siberian husky to regular health checkups at the local vet. Checkups are important as they allow the vet to monitor and assess the overall health of your Siberian husky. Vets also provide valuable advice on many issues regarding your Siberian husky. This ranges from nutritional needs to training needs. Regular checkups are also an insurance against various forms of dog-related diseases. In general, such diseases are easily treated if diagnosed at an early stage. Thus, checkups are an essential part of taking care of your Siberian husky.

You would also need to make sure that your Siberian husky’s needs for affiliation are met. Siberian huskies are animals that mix around well in packs. A lonely Siberian husky would often resort to mischief such as digging holes in your garden in order to entertain itself. You could either choose to get another Siberian husky or choose another pet altogether, such as a cat as its companion. However, it is important to note that companionship for your Siberian husky should start when your husky is a puppy in order to facilitate ease of interaction with the other husky or pet. In any case, Siberian huskies are relatively well-mannered are should not have much difficulties in getting along with other animals.

At the end of the day, time, commitment and effort are of utmost importance when it comes to caring for your Siberian husky. Would-be dog owners who are unsure of their priorities should not get themselves a Siberian husky as it would often only lead to suffering and perhaps even abandonment for the dog. But for those who are able to make a firm commitment, you would definitely find the time spent with your Siberian husky to be intrinsically satisfying in the long run.

postheadericon We begin this article with the basic facts about the breed, then follow up with an in-depth look at their personality

We begin this article with the basic facts about the breed, then follow up with an in-depth look at their personality.

Group: Toy

Weight: 10-18 lbs

Height: 11-13 inches


The first Cavalier King Charles Spaniels were originally recorded in paintings from the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries as small dogs that were regularly found in the houses of royalty and in court. The largest supporter of these dogs used to be King Charles II, and he was usually seen with several of these dogs. During that time these dogs were used to attract fleas, and were also used as a way to cure stress ailments.


Cavalier King Charles Spaniels have wonderful personalities, and is ideal dogs for families, couples and even single people. These dogs are inquisitive and playful by nature, but also like to just lie on their owner’s lap. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel likes to spend time with humans, and requires a lot of attention on a daily basis. These dogs does not like to be left alone for extended periods of time, and might become destructive or even nervous when this happens. Seeing that this is a dog that loves to chase, they may require proper socialisation to not chase other animals in the home. This is not an aggressive dog, and will get along well with other dogs. These dogs love to please their owners, and are very easy to train.


The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel should be brushed often with a firm hair brush. Bathing should only be done if it is deemed necessary. The feathered hair on the ears of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has a tendency to tangle, and should by groomed often to prevent this from happening. It is also important to trim the hair between the pads on the feet of these dogs, and check their ears for obstructions. It is important that these dogs are warm and dried properly after bath. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is an average shedding dog.


This is an extremely intelligent dog, and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is very eager to learn. These dogs will do very well in hunting and agility if they receive the correct training. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel does well in competitive obedience training, and they also make wonderful therapy dogs. These dogs will respond positively to training that involves praise and fair training methods.

Health problems

Although the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is a toy breed, they are amazingly healthy. But there are some serious health problems that these dogs struggle with at times. Many of these can be eliminated if these dogs are bought from a trustworthy breeder. Some of the health conditions these dogs struggle with include syringomyelia , mitral valve heart disease, patellar luxation, Cataracts, otitis externa and an early commencement of hearing loss.

postheadericon Puppy toilet training can be a thankless task and if your puppy is persistently messing in the house, here are 5 tips that will help you out

Puppy toilet training can be a thankless task and if your puppy is persistently messing in the house, here are 5 tips that will help you out.

Take your Puppy For a Checkup

The first thing you should do is to take your puppy to the vet for a quick check up. There could be an underlying health problem that is making your puppy unable to control himself and that could be the reason for him messing in the house.

Have A Regular Feeding Pattern

Always have a regular feeding pattern for your puppy. Feed him at the same times each day and always pick up his food bowl when he has finished eating his meals. Take him outside to his toilet area around half hour after he has finished eating.

Give Your Puppy Regular Toilet Breaks

Take your Puppy outside to his toilet area at regular intervals. When he is a very young puppy you will need to take him outside every half hour to an hour as puppies have weak bladders. Also take him outside first thing in the morning, after he has eaten and after he has been running around. Watch out for the signs that your puppy needs to go to the toilet. If he starts sniffing the ground and going around in circles, this is a sure sign that he needs to go.

Clean Up Thoroughly

Always clean up thoroughly when your puppy has urinated or defecated indoors. Use a suitable cleaning fluid that will also remove any traces of smell as if any smell remains your puppy will continue to use that area as his toilet.

Use Positive Training

Always praise your puppy when he goes to the toilet in his designated toilet area. If you get angry and shout at your puppy when he messes in the house, you will make your puppy timid and nervous. This will have a negative effect on your relationship with your puppy. So give him lots of praise when he gets things right and reward him with treats and cuddles. If you catch your puppy going to the toilet indoors, say a firm NO and then pick him up and take him straight outside to his toilet area. When you give your puppy praise for getting things right you will find he will try his best to please you.

Consider Puppy Crate Training

If there are times when you have to leave your puppy at home unattended, you may wish to consider crate training your puppy. Once your puppy is crate trained, you can leave him at home unattended for short periods of time safe in the knowledge that your puppy won’t get up to any mischief.

Puppy toilet training doesn’t have to be a thankless task. If you follow the above advice you will soon have a toilet trained puppy and a messy house will be a thing of the past.