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postheadericon Most people think that disciplining a dog is laborious and expensive

Most people think that disciplining a dog is laborious and expensive. Furthermore, dog training calls for a lot of patience and creative thinking for your dog. We have to remember that dogs can’t be as intelligent as us.

Training your silky terriers calls for forgiveness and consistency. Silkys answer actively to praises and to rewards. Additionally, they become rough and unresponsive towards punishments and animosity, respectively.

Trainings with obedience classes can be intensely beneficial in caressing your silky terriers. In a lot of dog training schools, courses for puppies are available. Young dogs are taught to get accustomed with other dogs and people using limited trainings. Nevertheless, there are regions that don’t conduct formal obedience training unless the dog is at least half a year old. Always remember that a dog is never too old to benefit from training when a dependable trainer is available, or if the owner is fully devoted to the task.

The suggested ways of disciplining silky terriers are Reiteration or Repetition.

Reiteration is the name of the dog training game. In here, dogs are expected to do a task over and over again to attain mastery. Dog tricks are best picked up when reiterated and reinforced through rewards.

Patience is a virtue that requires you to endure hardships. Persistence is trying to be patient for a longer time until a goal is achieved. Obviously, dog training requires a lot of persistence from the owner or from the trainer Physical and psychological aspects of the owner and/or the trainer must be sound.

Commendation, plainly put, if a dog does the correct thing, it ought be said loudly. Otherwise, the dog should hear, “No, that’s not it!” when the trick isn’t accomplished or suitable for the command given. These words reinforce correct responses and decrease the unwanted ones.

Bites of cheese would really be good treats for dogs who answered correctly to a given instruction. Additional food can be bought at pet stores. All the same, if you’re able to get the respect of your pet, instructions will be carried out even if there are no longer called for treats. Likewise, these things reinforce warranted reactions.

Lifestyle may allow being in charge of training your own pet, do the training yourself as long as you feel enough patience and commitment.

postheadericon There is nothing that will bring you more joy then a well trained dog

There is nothing that will bring you more joy then a well trained dog… it is certainly a lot more fun for you to have an obedient and trained dog. Not only that, but trained dogs, are happier dogs.

Happier, more secure dogs are less likely to get into fights with other dogs and will tend to socialize better with dogs that they meet in public. A happy dog will bring joy to your entire family for years to come.

If you have young children then it is very important to have a well trained dog. When your children are well behaved it makes the entire household run smoother and everyone is happier… especially Mom! The same holds true with your dog. A misbehaving dog can bring down the entire family. It is important to spend the time early on with your puppy when he is little to train him correctly. This will bring you many years of pleasure later.

Taking the time to train your dog will strengthen the bond you have together and this will ensure a long and happy friendship where both you and your dog benefit. Considering the amount of time that you will be with your dog the time involved in training is minimal and well worthwhile.

There are a few basic commands that need to be mastered and they are all relatively simple.

These commands are…

Down: this is where you teach your dog to lay down on command, and is one of the main aspects of any successful training program.

Heel: this is where you teach your dog walk beside you at the same pace without pulling on the lead.

Learning the ‘No’ word: this is a particularly important word for your dog to know and can save you a lot of trouble. In fact it is probably one of the most important aspects of training, if you can get your dog to understand and respond to the word no. It can certainly save you a lot of trouble in the future.

Sit: sit is one of the most basic of all dog training commands and is one that you’ll want to teach from the outset to maintain control of your dog’s behavior.

Stay: and finally ‘stay’ – this is important to ensure that no matter where you are, you’ll know that your dog will stay precisely where you want it.

If there is nothing else that you train your dog to do beyond these basic commands, then just these basics will certainly improve the relationship you have with your dog and the enjoyment and happiness that you and your dog will have together.

It is well worth the time while still a puppy, as it will improve the quality of life for many years to come.

Training will also let your dog know that you’re the boss and in doing so eliminate many behavior problems. Dogs that are untrained can often get depressed, despondent, and unhappy and display symptoms of anxiety and confusion.

You are actually giving your dog a purpose in life, where they will get pleasure out of the fact that they are pleasing you… which is their main objective in life!

postheadericon When it comes to dog crates, they can be extremely useful in training your dog

When it comes to dog crates, they can be extremely useful in training your dog. Many dog owners use them for housebreaking. And at times, when they need to leave their dog alone for a while. So what exactly is crate training and why you should do it too?

What You Should Know About Crate Dog Training

Crate training is a well-known method of training a dog to be left alone, as well as to housebreak them, too. It is a fact that all dogs will not soil their bed if they can help it and so that is why it makes an excellent method of housebreaking a puppy.

Dog crates come in a number of different sizes, so it is vital to get one that is big enough to fit your dog. Even if your puppy is quite small, it would still be a good idea to buy a crate that will fit the dog until it becomes fully grown. This way you will save money as you will not have to go out and purchase another crate later on.

The good news is that crates are not only good to train puppies, but they are also great for an adult dog too. Older dogs enjoy going into their crates sometimes as it provides them with a safe haven to rest and have their own space.

You can also use the crate for basic obedience or whenever your dog is a little too much to handle, just place him in there for a little while. Now it is important not to shut him away for hours on end. A crate should only be used when needed and should never be used to cage a dog in there for extended periods of time. This is especially true when house training puppies to not mess up the floor and home.

As mentioned earlier, dogs will never make a mess of their bed unless they have to. So it is important when you keep a puppy in the crate overnight, that you let it out frequently. Puppies cannot hold on all night and you may need to wake up every few hours to let them out of the crate.

As also mentioned earlier, a crate should only be used when needed and leaving a dog inside for too long may elevate their stress level. I highly recommend that you only use it for a few hours. But if the crate is large and roomy enough, it can be left overnight.

A dog crate is an excellent tool for separation of anxiety, as many dogs will ruin furniture and make a big mess when left alone. As you can see, a crate has many uses and can be an excellent piece of equipment to have for any dog or puppy owner. Tip: a plastic crate is highly recommended by most animal experts.

When deciding on buying a crate, treat it like a dog’s master bedroom and be sure that his crate is big enough, comfortable and sturdy. Trust me, you will yield greater results with your dog loving you for it!

postheadericon Parakeets are small, vibrant and lively birds that can be a wonderful addition to your family

Parakeets are small, vibrant and lively birds that can be a wonderful addition to your family. While some parakeets learn to talk without coaching or training, some will require encouragement to get their beaks speaking. Some parakeets only start talking when their owners let them hear specific phrases, words and sounds. If you successfully train a parakeet to talk, you and your family will love your pet even more.

A nourished and well cared pet will more likely demonstrate an interest in repeating sounds as well as talking. A parakeet that is watered, well-fed, and has a mirror and other plaything in his cage is the best aspirant for speech training. This is for the reason that loved pets will want to gain knowledge on how they can communicate effectively with their master and provider.

It’s important to note that the male parakeets are distinguished as good talkers. So if you want to have an outspoken pet, it’s best to adopt a male parakeet. This doesn’t mean that female parakeets just make sounds and do not talk, but in general the female birds are slower in adapting new words and training a female bird might not give you the results you are looking for.

Remember, even if you choose to train a parakeet that is a male, it doesn’t give you a guarantee that it will talk. Some parakeets only become skillful in whistling, but talking is not a talent every bird of this kind desires to learn. You should be patient enough to see results. Some breeds of parakeets that are more likely to utter words are the Alexandrine, Australian, English, Plum-head and Ring-necked parakeets. They are also known for having the ability to distinguish individual objects and even people.

Parakeets find it easier to repeat or reiterate words exhibiting hard syllables. You should examine what words are more difficult to speak than others. One of the common phrases parakeets speak is “pretty birdie”. This specific phrase encloses hard syllables that make it effortless for talking birds like parakeets to repeat or mimic. You should think of words and phrases containing hard syllables and say them to your bird frequently.

Birds respond well with a dark surrounding. So when you start your training session, you should darken the room to get your parakeet’s full attention. Begin saying a phrase or word and repeat it several times. Teach your bird three times a day for about fifteen minutes each. Don’t get disappointed if your bird didn’t talk immediately. Put in mind that most birds take several days or even weeks before it speak the phrase or word you’re teaching.

If you go to work during weekdays, consider making speech training sessions on a recorded tape and leave it to someone who stays in your house. This will not only save you time and effort but the training will be more consistent with this strategy.

If you follow these steps to train a parakeet, your pet will start repeating sounds and words in no time. This will also make your pet the center of attention in your home, making you the proudest mentor ever.

postheadericon The pug is a stocky but short dog with the males measuring 12 to 15 inches in height and weighing between 14 and 20 pounds, and the female bitch measuring 8 to 12 inches in height with a weight of 13 to 18 pounds

The Pug is a stocky but short dog with the males measuring 12 to 15 inches in height and weighing between 14 and 20 pounds, and the female bitch measuring 8 to 12 inches in height with a weight of 13 to 18 pounds. They have a round head which is disproportionately large for their body size with a square shaped muzzle that is blunt and quite short. Their ears can be either button shaped or rose shaped, and are small and thin. The tail curls over their back and is most commonly a double curl, with a short coat that is fine and soft. There can be a variety of colours such as silver black fawn and apricot. Whilst these dogs are small they are surprisingly muscular and strong.

History. The Pug is a very old breed of dog and thought to have originated prior to 400BC. Although there are great discussions, concerning the exact origins it is generally agreed upon, that they originated in Asia. The dogs used to often be kept in monasteries, and have been the favourites of various Royalty. Pugs were first introduced to Europe in the late 18th century by the merchants and crews of the Dutch East India trading company. In the 19th century, they arrived in the United States and were recognized as a breed there in 1885.

Temperament. The Pugs are not yappy dogs but they do make excellent watchdogs, drawing their owners’ attention to anything they detect that is unusual. They are strong of will, but generally amiable and it is rare for them to be aggressive. They are well suited as a family pet and get on well with children; they are also strong enough and sturdy enough to tolerate play with smaller children, which because of their size is not a problem as they are not big enough to knock small children over normally. They are not normally particularly excitable dogs, yet they are rarely boring. They also integrate well with other pets in the household. Because they are muscular and active they tend to like more exercise than other dogs of similar size. It is very important to assert yourself as the master of your pet, otherwise the dog may feel that they are in control, which can cause them to be destructive, a dog that feels they are in control of a household is rarely as happy as the dog who realises their correct place in the hierarchy.

Health issues. Pugs can catch a cold quite easily and do not tolerate particularly hot or cold weather. Due to their short muzzle, they have a greater tendency towards breathing problems. It is also prone to ailments of the skin and, a condition known as pug dog encephalitis, which is a brain based infection. It is common for the females when giving birth to require a Caesarean section, due in no small part to the size of baby’s head. They can also suffer some eye conditions, and it is important not to over feed a pug as they will eat more than they require which will lead to obesity.

Grooming. Because of their predisposition to skin problems it is advisable to only brush them when necessary; this is of course also true for bathing. After a Bath, you have to dry the dog as thoroughly as possible. The exception to this rule are the creases around the dogs face, these must be cleaned regularly and quite frequently. As a breed they shed quite heavily but this is only seasonal, and more grooming may be required at that time.

Living conditions. The Pug is well suited to living in an apartment but does require a reasonable amount of exercise. When out walking you need the dog to walk beside or behind you as they tend to see the person leading as the person in command. These are a determined breed, and you need to assert yourself as their master.