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postheadericon If you are looking at chicken coops for sale one of the first things you will realize is how many different kinds are available

If you are looking at chicken coops for sale one of the first things you will realize is how many different kinds are available. But which one you actually choose to install in your garden is dependent on how much space you have in it and the number of chickens you want to keep.

It is important that the chicken coop you select for your garden is one that will ensure that it provides the hens with ample protection both from predators and the weather. The happier and healthier your chickens are the more likely they are to lay good quality eggs for you. Below we offer some pointers to help you with selecting the right chicken coop for sale for you.

Point 1 – If space is limited for your coop then rather than going for a traditional ground based one opt for those that are above ground. As well as meaning you won’t need to have much space to place it on, it provides better protection for your chickens against predators such as rats.

Point 2 – You must ensure that the coop allows for ample amounts of fresh air to circulate through the coop during the day and at night. This will ensure that the levels of ammonia and moisture in it don’t become too great otherwise it will have a serious effect on the health of your chickens. As well as causing damage to your chickens health excess moisture and ammonia can lead to the chickens laying poor quality eggs. Also as the majority of chicken coops for sale are made from timber they may rot easily if the ammonia and moisture builds up within it.

postheadericon Birds can be attracted to your home and surroundings simply by offering food, water and shelter, the three most important ingredients for all living creatures

Birds can be attracted to your home and surroundings simply by offering food, water and shelter, the three most important ingredients for all living creatures. I want to share with you how I have crated a paradise in my own backyard that is loaded with birds year round.

First-You must discover what species of birds live in your area. You also must know that some of these species you discover will come and go depending on what time of year it is and whether they are migrant birds or birds that live near you year round. There are several ways to go about this discovery but one of the easiest ways to get this information is from your local Audubon Society. They will most likely have a bird list specific to your area and loads of information on those specific birds.

Second-You must find out which species of birds live in your specific habitat. Do live in a wooded area? Is it a mixed forest with conifers and deciduous trees or maybe more of a savanna with grasses and Oak trees? Do you live on a farm in the country or in a big city neighborhood? Different species of birds are adapted to different environments and this will be a defining factor in your decisions on which birds you want to attract to your yard and what kind of feeders and birdhouses you will put up. A good field guide to birds will be invaluable in this respect.

Third-So you know which birds live in your area and may be attracted to your yard in your specific habitat, now what? You need to put up some bird feeders! Birds can live very easily without you putting up bird feeders but you want to see them don’t you? If you want to see them, you have to get them closer to your house. This requires that you put up some bird feeders, but which ones? There are so many different kinds.
The best thing to do is put up a variety of feeders if they are appropriate for your habitat. Here are a few suggestions. A starling-resistant suet feeder, a house or tube feeder for sunflower seed, a bluebird feeder, a wire mesh cage feeder for peanuts, a nectar feeder, a tube feeder for thistle, a stationary or tray fruit feeder and a house or platform feeder for millet.

Fourth-Whatever types of feeders you install, make sure they are safe from predators. Cats are the number one killer of songbirds. Make sure your bird feeders are safe from cats or better yet, keep your cats indoors. If you have squirrels around, make sure you mount your bird feeders so the squirrels can’t get to them or purchase squirrel proof bird feeders.

Fifth-Water is essential for birds. Not only do most birds need water to survive, they love to bath in it! Even without putting up bird feeders, you can attract many birds by installing a bird bath or fountain in your yard. If you have the choice, install a fountain or a waterfall as moving water will not only attract more birds but you will also attract other wildlife as well.

Sixth-Shelter for your birds. If you want to enjoy bird watching to the fullest degree, you must put up birdhouses. The thrill of watching birds go through their mating rituals and raising their young is unforgettable. There are birdhouses for all different species of cavity nesting birds. It is important to note however that not all birds use birdhouses. It is also important to choose only birdhouses that are safe and built specifically for the species of bird you want to raise.

Seventh-Landscape for the birds. If you have the ability to landscape around your house, use native plants that attract wild birds. You can get a list of plants for your area from a local nursery or arbor society.

postheadericon For most pet owners, pets hold a special place in the household

For most pet owners, pets hold a special place in the household. They are much more than merely animals that live with the family; they are actual members the family. So where their well-being is concerned, we should be very aware of what elements in or around the home either are or could become threats to them.

When considering your pets’safety, you should bear in mind that pets have absolutely no notion of danger and care should be taken so as to prevent a fun moment from becoming a nightmare. Though potential dangers could be many, here are some of the most common.


One of the biggest dangers for many pets are electrical cords. They are attracted to them and are often tempted to chew on them. A good solution to this is CritterCord™ ,which is a cord cover that acts as protective tubing and is infused with a citrus scent. It is specifically designed to help protect your pets from the dangers of chewing on electrical cords.


Poisonous household plants like the azalea, dieffenbachia (dumb cane), lilies, mistletoe, and philodendron, among others, are extremely dangerous to pets. Insect control products, such as insecticides should also be carefully considered. Also, human medications can be toxic to animals. Keep medication containers and tubes of ointments and creams away from pets who could chew through them, and be vigilant about finding and disposing of any dropped pills.

Pets can develop allergies, the same way a human being can, so beware of spiders, scorpions, bees, and other insects.


Toys with removable parts—like squeaky toys or stuffed animals with plastic eyes—can pose a choking hazard to animals. Take the same precautions with pets as you would with a small child. Also, plastic bags must be considered potentially hazardous. Leashes must be removed if the dog is not being walked, since there is always danger of strangulation. Rawhide doggie chews should be offered to a pet only with supervision, as they can pose a choking hazard as well. They may also be contaminated with Salmonella, which can infect pets and humans who come in contact with them.

You should also be equally cautious outside the home.

  • Swimming pools must be monitored carefully. An Above-Ground Pool Eye Alarm is great for this. This easy-to-install safety system alerts you with a loud siren if your pet or child accidentally falls into the pool.
  • Cars, too. Leaving your pet inside your car is not always a good idea. A HotDog can come in handy here. The Hotdog detects and reacts to deadly temperature changes within your vehicle. Also BreezeGuard™ Screens are a great solution to let your dog enjoy the fresh air keeping safety in mind. They are mobile pet window extensions custom made to your vehicle.

Check out these and other fantastic Pet Gadgets to keep your pet safe and out of harm?s way.

Please don’t forget to visit my blog! If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to post it to your site or blog and forward this link to your friends. Have a great day!

postheadericon None of us desire to spend a whole afternoon attempting to install something like this

None of us desire to spend a whole afternoon attempting to install something like this. Attempt to get something that you understand you are able to set up without the needs of instruments you don’t own and that you can realize how it is completed. The eaiser you can install it the simpler you will be able to take it down when you move.

postheadericon Does your dog enjoy playing in the backyard

Does your dog enjoy playing in the backyard? Does he have a habit of jumping over or digging under your fences? Worried that your beloved pet might go away and cause troubles whenever he’s outside? Indoor fence is a great solution to control and confine your dog!

Confining your canine friend with the use of this type of containment fence system will take your worries away. It will prevent your dog from damaging the plants in the garden or ruining your furniture inside and outside your house.

Indoor fence can assist you in controlling your dog within desired premises. Owners with aggressive or stubborn dogs can benefit a lot from this fence. If you don’t want your neighbors complaining about your dog attacking them or their pets, indoor fence is a simple yet effective way to avoid that problem.

Indoor fences are also a lot cheaper than containment fences that are made of woods and bricks. Indoor fence can occupy less space and you can do the installation by yourself. You don’t need to hire professionals or carpenters to do the job for you which saves you money for installation services.

Not only does it contain your dog, it can eventually train him to have discipline and behave properly. Indoor fence is a good way to effectively teach your pet to roam around and play only on restricted yet safe boundaries that you desire for him.

Like other wireless dog fences, an indoor fence is easy to set up. Once you’ve installed this fence, you can ensure the safety of your dog as he is contained only within specific boundaries. Your days of paranoia that your dog might get into trouble will be over if you opt for this type of fence.

Most importantly, this is a humane way to manage your canine pet. You no longer have to install barbed wires that are very dangerous when dogs get jammed on it.