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Archive for February 14th, 2011

postheadericon Is your cat refusing to use the litter tray or box, no matter what you try to do

Is your cat refusing to use the litter tray or box, no matter what you try to do?

Then you’re not alone, because you, me, and millions of other cat owners are either facing this problem right now, or have done so in the past.

I’ve had many cats in the past, and one of them recently posed a huge problem. He is a lovely cat, but he is not litter trained and just pees just everywhere. Even though he had a litter box that he used once only, he still used to pee and poop on everything.

Luckily I already have several proven tricks up my sleeve, and in this quick article I’d like to share a couple of mistakes I’ve learned the hard way, which will help speed up the time it takes to train your cat to use the litter tray.

So, here are two common cat litter training mistakes…

Mistake #1Not realizing that your cat is choosy!

Did you know that cats may have personal preferences when it comes to their litter box? It’s true, and sadly, your cat’s preferences may not coincide with the owner’s preferences in most cases.

Choosing the right cat litter and cat litter boxes for your cat (and not for you) is important. The rest of this article explains some key things to remember when picking the right cat litter and cat tray or box…

Mistake #2 Not providing enough “drop zones”

Many owners do not provide enough litter boxes, particularly in households with numerous cats. The number of boxes in the home should equal the number of cats, plus one. For example, a two cat household needs three litter boxes.

It’s a good idea to distribute your cat litter boxes evenly around the home. In homes with several floors, there should be at least one litter box on each floor of the house.

Finally, don’t forget that each litter box must be kept very clean. Boxes should be scooped daily and completely emptied, washed and disinfected thoroughly every 1-2 weeks.

Isn’t it time you discovered why most cat training aids don’t work, and how to get inside your cat’s mind and quickly teach them perfect behaviour from any age?

Well, right now, you can discover these secrets for free, with my 9 part guide to perfect cat behaviour at http://cattrainingtricks.com

There, you’ll discover many easy ways to end cat litter box problems for good, plus so much more…