March 2008
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Archive for March 20th, 2008

postheadericon Providing hen sheds for your chickens really is a very simple thing to do

Providing hen sheds for your chickens really is a very simple thing to do. With the current explosion in interest worldwide in all things poultry related there has never been a better time to get involved and enjoy the amazing experience that keeping chickens has to offer and with so much to benefit from, building hen sheds to house your brood will be even more rewarding.

Not so long ago people kept chickens as a matter of having to, poor diets needed to be supplemented in as many ways possible and eggs were the perfect way to do this. With them being so versatile they could be used in any number of ways and at least you could be sure that you were getting something in to you that was full of goodness, even in the past they knew the benefits of eating eggs even if the science behind them was not known about.

The demand for the supply of eggs has continued to rise rapidly and with them being such an amazing nutritional whole food, that come very neatly packaged, it is very unlikely that this demand will diminish, so keeping chickens has become big business.

The only drawback with this is that as a result of the need for such a huge constant supply of eggs the poor old chickens themselves are suffering. They are not always kept in surroundings that are truly suitable or in any way beneficial to them to keep them in prime egg laying condition, the downside of which is that the quality and the taste of the eggs you buy really can be affected.

As more information has become so easily accessible we, the consumer have wised up to this and realised that to keep hens in your own backyard is really such an easy thing to do and takes very little time and effort and the rewards are massive, I do not know why but, somehow nothing really can beat the taste of fresh, free range eggs laid by your chickens, they are just extra delicious.

Housing them adequately is not a problem, you really do not have to be a master carpenter or an amazing handyman or wood worker to be able to follow a set of step by step instructions that guide you through from beginning to end with minimum of fuss (if I can do this, anybody can) The end result being poultry accommodation that you can be very proud of having produce it with your own hands.

So, for complete peace of mind housing your chickens in hen sheds that you know are going to keep them safe and secure from predators is the perfect solution with the added bonus that the hen sheds will be easy on the eye and have been amazingly cost effective too.

Building a hen shed is so simple and a great deal of fun when you are given the correct information. They are practical, easy to assemble and can save you a fortune.

There are dozens of poultry related websites that claim to offer visitor’s great hen shed plans, but few sadly seem to offer little more than a single basic design. However one of the best hen shed design websites online that has been endorsed by hundreds of chicken breeders and owners worldwide so far contains a wealth of chicken housing data and related information that is well worth reviewing. (