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Archive for January, 2008

postheadericon Ball pythons are now drawn from the wild and sold as pets

Ball Pythons are now drawn from the wild and sold as pets. Taking care of ball pythons is expensive and requires patience.

Ball pythons or python regius are found along the edges of Western and Central Africa’s forest lands. They are either on the trees or grounds. Although they are termed as royal pythons in the European countries, they are referred to as ball pythons in the US because of the curling habits. They tend to curl up and pull their heads firmly in the center when nervous
Ball pythons are crepuscular, meaning they are more active at dusk and dawn. Similar to most pythons, ball pythons are gentle and curious snakes. They also have anal spurs like the ones found in boas.

These lone claws that appear on the sides of their vents are formerly their hind legs. The snakes lost their legs in evolution millions of years ago. Males possess longer spurs and smaller heads compared to the females.
If you plan to have one as a pet, it is best to buy a captive-born. If not, then go for well-feeding juvenile, adult or sub-adult breed.

In selecting a ball python, select one with a firm clear skin, clean vents, round-shaped body, and clear eyes. When handled, it should actively flick its tongue.

In selecting a housing for your hatchling, a 10 gallon glass tank with a hinged glass top and fixed screens should do the trick. Take note that snakes are regarded as escape artists. Ball pythons are cunning and powerful in breaking out. Hence, for a young adult, you need a 20 gallon glass tank. For a full adult, you need a 30 gallon glass tanks already.
When selecting an appropriate substrate, you can initially use paper towels. It can be easily replaced or removed when soiled. If your Ball Python is imported, you would need to monitor its feces and check it for mites.

Once established, use a fir bark or shredded cypress. Never use aspen and pine shaving because this can lodge in your snake’s mouth while it eats. It may cause respiratory and other serious problems.

You need to monitor these shavings closely. When it gets wet and soiled, pull it out immediately, to prevent the growth of fungus and bacteria.
Place a hiding area for your ball python. You can buy a half-log at any pet store. An alternative can be an upside down plastic opaque container or an empty cardboard box.

Keep the tank warm, 80 to 85 degrees F in the daytime. At night, keep it at 73 to 75 degrees F. You can buy reptile heating pads at any drug store. As an alternative, you can buy incandescent light bulbs in metal and porcelain reflector hoods. Never use a hot rock because bBall pythons are prone to thermal burns.

Make sure your snake gets ambient humidity. You can check this using a hygrometer. Get this up to 50%. When your snake sheds, it needs higher humidity. You can increase the enclosure humidity to about 60-65%. By bathing your snake in a warm bath when its eyes clear, they will completely shed in 24 hours.

For hatchlings, you can feed it with a 10 day old mouse. For the larger ones, you can feed them larger pinkie rats or pre-killed mice.
Always provide a fresh bowl of water inside the tank.

Ball Pythons can live for many years. Amidst coming of age, they need to remain active and alert. In captivity, most snakes die for reasons related to their care and maintenance. Some causes include contact with lighting and heating elements, improper temperature, lack of needed veterinary treatment and care, no access to regular water and careless handling among others.

postheadericon One of the harshest facts about the winter months, especially in the northern states, is that many factors combine to make it hard for birds to find food

One of the harshest facts about the winter months, especially in the northern states, is that many factors combine to make it hard for birds to find food.  First, there is just less of it.  Plants that many birds might feed on, such as berries, have just stopped producing in many areas, and those birds that like to feed on the insect population will find that there it has pretty much disappeared, either dying out or hibernating during the cold months.  So finding a good source of food is a challenge.

The other thing to keep in mind is that because birds are warm blooded, and wintertime is so much colder, they need a very high source of energy to keep warm enough to survive.  Much of the bird seed available these days doesn’t really provide much in the way of calories or energy.  That’s why suet feeders are a favorite for winter time bird feeders.

Suet is raw beef fat, typically taken from around the kidneys and loins. Because of its high fat content it is very high in energy.  Suet is one of the best foods to attract nuthatches, woodpeckers, wrens, titmice, chickadees, thrashers, cardinals, bluebirds and many other types of birds.  And, as usual with bird feeders, it can attract some less desirable wildlife like starlings and squirrels.  So, if these are a problem, you may want to use a suet feeder with a cage, and for starlings try a feeder covered on all sides but the bottom, which will feed many other birds but discourage starlings.

Depending on the type of suet you use, it can start to melt and go rancid at temperatures above 70 degrees F, so take care to empty after the spring thaw.

Another thing to keep in mind is the wintertime need for water.  Obviously, with freezing temperatures, the availability of water outdoors will drop, and a typical bird bath will freeze over fairly quickly since they are designed to be shallow.

There are many heated bird baths, but probably the easiest way to solve this problem is to add a bird bath heater to your existing bath.  Make sure that the bird bath is made from a material that can take the heat, some resins may melt.  Also be sure that the heater has a thermostat so it won’t overheat the water as well.

With a few simple steps like this, you can make sure that the birds in your yard are going to make it through the winter.

postheadericon When it comes to setting up your very one goat farm, knowledge in raising goats is definitely key

When it comes to setting up your very one goat farm, knowledge in raising goats is definitely key. If you want to be able to raise healthy goats, you should first prepare yourself by gathering all the information you need. Goats can be fascinating creatures to keep, and as long as you have all the necessary tools, their proper care and maintenance can be a breeze. Here are just some of the facts you need to know about raising goats.

Raising Goats Fact #1: Different goat breeds require different levels of care

Although it’s easy to mistake one for another, you should understand there are over 300 breeds known today, more than half of which is bred to produce milk, meat or fur for today’s consumers. Milk producing breeds such as alpine goats require a different type of care than the meat producing Boer goats in terms of food and supplements. By knowing the different goat breeds, it will be a lot easier for you to decide on which specific type you should choose for your goat farm.

Raising Goats Fact #2: Goats are very curious creatures

Another thing that you should know is that they are generally very curious about their surroundings and they also possess a high level of intelligence. This is probably why they are known to chew on just about anything that they see lying around. Whether it be tin cans or notebooks, goats are more than happy to chew on an assortment of objects. So before you order in the goats for your farm, make sure that their surroundings are cleared of plants and objects that may cause harm to their health when ingested.

Raising Goats Fact #3: Choose a field of expertise

Lastly, before you get started on raising goats, you should first decide on the type of product that you want to produce. Choose a field of expertise and concentrate on that. Many beginner goat farmers often make the mistake of wanting to breed all types of goats at the same time since they feel that taking care of goats is all the same anyway. But this situation seldom works out successfully as such goat farmers soon realize that it’s much more lucrative to concentrate on a certain stock at a time.

Raising goats can quickly become a very profitable endeavor as long as you put an effort into learning how to properly take care of your livestock. Always inform yourself of the newest developments on keeping goats and you will surely be successful in just a few months time.