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postheadericon Big and random bodily blotches

Big and random bodily blotches ?ese are the major characteristics in which the pied cockatiel is known for. This mutation is any color cropping up from solid cockatiel colors. Color quantity and placement differs a single bird to the other. The tint of pied cockatiels has been a result of the feather pattern changes, not a color change. These pied cockatiels are also called as pied tiel, variegated cockatiel and harlequin cockatiel.

The pied upshot in pied cockatiel actually is a large mixture of colors in blotches or patches, such as permutation of whites and greys among grey cockatiels or a blend of yellow and cinnamon on the cinnamon cockatiels. Some stunning birds show a perfect balance of these blotches although it is not always achieved when breeding cockatiels. As a result, the variation of patterns makes it hard to determine between the sexes of pied cockatiel.

The record of this cockatiel mutation is indistinct although it has been established that it was done in California. After the death of the first mutation developer, his stock was acquired by a certain Mr. Hubbell who continued the breeding program until today. Chances are that when you had a pied cockatiel, it comes from the continued mutation which was originally from California.

The pied cockatiel was initially developed by breeders so basically these birds did not come from the wilderness or anywhere. The grey ones are seen among the areas of Australia excluding the Tasmania and Australia’s coasts. As a Cacatuidae family member, they have generally crests. These crests can go erect when these birds are agitated and enthused. Conversely, their crests level goes down significantly when they are angry or defensive.

The genes which have created the pattern in every pied cockatiel give no significant effect on the bird’s coloring. However, the color distribution is the one that is affected. Pied cockatiels have major combinations of grays and whites within random pattern. These mutations can weigh to up to four ounces and more.

Making the pied cockatiel an ultimate desirable pet is because of their behavior ?ey are not loud unlike other parrot species which are not only noisy but also are annoying. You can leave it alone it its cage or location for some time without their behavior being affected negatively. These species are steadfast and affectionate. Likewise, they love to play with toys and to climb perches which you have provided in their cage.

postheadericon Recently, a lot of our friends and customers have asked us about dog training and how to properly use treats when training dogs

Recently, a lot of our friends and customers have asked us about dog training and how to properly use treats when training dogs. We found the following article to be very helpful:

There are many different approaches to dog training and many different ways of implementing each of those approaches. Most techniques utilized today however, are premised upon the idea that positive reinforcement is likely to create the best results. Virtually every truly functional dog training system is outgrowth of positive reinforcement thinking.

Regardless of which specific program a dog owner may choose to adopt, there are common pitfalls that can be avoided. Dog owners are particularly susceptible to making three critical errors, which if avoided will make the training process far more enjoyable and effective. Three of the most common mistakes are inconsistency, impatience and treating the dog as a subject instead of a training partner.


Consistency may be hobgoblin of little minds in terms of the need for human creativity. With respect to dog training, however, inconsistency is the quickest way to reduce the experience’s effectiveness.

Dogs thrive on predictability. In fact, their ability to grasp cause and effect is at the very root of training. Operant conditioning is predicated on the fact that dogs will begin to associate events with consistent outcomes. This notion of consistency’s importance must be extended to the overall process of dog training.

A dog is likely to best respond to a system in which regular actions produce regular results. Too often, dog owners fail to be entirely consistent. In the dog’s mind, these lapses in regularity convey a sense of randomness to the process and make it difficult for the pet to associate his specific behaviors with specific results-the key to training. Dogs will excel when they are taught that things happen for specific reasons. When surprises occur it undermines the whole of the training process.

A successful trainer will retain consistency and will not deviate from an established course.


There can be a great deal of frustration in dog training. Concepts we believe dogs should be able to grasp easily often escape them completely for quite some time.

We live in a world that is so often focused on immediate results. We learn to expect that our actions will be met by prompt, anticipated responses. Dog training runs counter to this societal trend toward speedy, immediate gratification. Training is an extended process that can require a great deal of patience from the trainer.

Impatience results in unpredictability on the part of the owner as they hastily cease a training session or abandon positive reinforcement techniques in hopes of finding a shortcut to desired results. Patience is, indeed, a virtue when one considers the role of the owner in a dog training situation.

A successful trainer will master developing a patient outlook throughout the extended process of dog training.

Treating the Dog as a Subject Instead of a Partner

Dog training requires two participants: the dog and the owner. Frequently, however, owners tend to perceive the process as being uniquely about them. They fret over their techniques, equipment and strategies without giving real consideration to their training partner, the dog.

When an owner approaches the dog as a simple subject for experimentation, they lose track of what makes the dog unique and denigrate the always-important dog/owner relationship. Training becomes a chore, rather than a joint activity. What might have been a pleasurable chance for interaction becomes an un-enjoyable task.

Dogs are sufficiently intuitive to be attuned to a trainer’s attitude and are less receptive to learning when they are treated merely as a subject instead of as a complete being. Owners who fail to see their pet’s identity during training are unable to pick up on subtle clues and possible means to improve their techniques.

The successful trainer will treat his dog as a full partner in training, not merely as a subject.

By avoiding these three common pitfalls, a dog owner is more likely to be able to implement a training strategy that produces results. Additionally, the training experience is likely to be enjoyable for both the dog and owner, giving them a tremendous opportunity to build their relationship. Regardless of the exact methodology adopted by the owner, the training process will benefit extraordinarily from avoiding the mistakes of inconsistency, impatience and treating your pet as a subject instead of as a partner.

Source: i-love-dogs.com

Get your dog some great dog treats today.

postheadericon Copyright (c) 2009 james mahoney if you have a puppy, besides basic dog training you will need to have quite a bit of patience on hand as well as time to house train your puppy correctly

Copyright (c) 2009 James Mahoney

If you have a puppy, besides basic dog training you will need to have quite a bit of patience on hand as well as time to house train your puppy correctly. If it is a puppy, you will need much more patience and time to house train him correctly.

While dogs are very known as faithful and loyal creatures, it is also true that most dog owners want very much to have a calm and obedient dog. Many dog owners and breeder believe that calm and obedient dogs with a least some basic dog training are also healthier. At the same time, with basic dog training these dogs will have fewer conflicts with people and with other dogs.

When you want your puppy relieve himself outside, you should first select an area outside for him to use. For when you want him to go outside, a way to condition him is by saying “outside” or “out” in a high-pitched tone of voice, this will soon get him used to the idea of where he is going and why. He will start to recognize this command and realize that it is time for him to go to the bathroom.

Remember to praise your puppy for his successful outdoor elimination. You can even give him a treat when he follows or obeys this and other command.

Whatever stage of training we give the dogs, there must always be some basic dog training and commands that a dog need to understand and follow.

Some of these basic dog training commands include:

· Sit – Being able to train your dog the ‘sit’ command represents on of the most useful lesson he can learn. It an important part of any basic dog training program.

· Stay – This is an important basic dog training command since a dog that is considered well-trained dog should be able to remain where his or her owner commands.

· Down – Being able to lying down on command is also just as necessary command that is part of any successful basic dog training program.

· No – the word “no” is one important word that all dogs and puppies must learn early on and obey. Training your dog to respond to this key command can help save a whole lot of problems later on.

A well-trained dog should be able to respond well to all any of the owner’s commands, without being confused or show any displeasure. In order to achieve this it is necessary to embark on a good basic dog training program like the highly recommended Secrets to Dog Training. By your dog becoming well-trained he also becomes a good companion to you and your family. Also, you should have fewer problems with regarding him with people in general or with other dogs.

Exposing your dog to obedience training is essential and is also good for the dog in that it is a great way to satisfy some of the his needs, for example, helping him to get enough exercise, as well as improving the relationship he has with you.

When you have a puppy or for that matter any hard-to-train dog, you need to start in right away with some basic dog training at least if you want to have many happy years with your lovable friend and faithful companion.

postheadericon Numerous studies have shown that more americans are obese today than ever before and, interestingly, we’re not the only ones

Numerous studies have shown that more Americans are obese today than ever before and, interestingly, we’re not the only ones. Not only are Americans fatter than ever, so are their dogs; and the phenomenon can have serious ramifications for both groups. Obese dogs run a lot of the same risks that obese people do. When a dog is over weight it is at higher risk for heart disease, respiratory ailments, weak joints and other problems. In short; it is every bit as dangerous for a dog to be carrying extra weight as it is for a person – perhaps more so due to the shorter lifespan that dogs have. An overweight eight year old dog is akin to an overweight fifty-six year old man and subject to many of the same health risks.

Fortunately for us and our dogs; the equation is associative and works the same in the opposite direction. Just as a healthy diet and plenty of good cardiovascular exercise can trim down a chubby man; it can take the extra weight off of a dog.

Doggie Diets:

To reduce the overweight or obese dog’s body weight, a program of diet and exercise should be introduced. It is important to visit a veterinarian as the doctor can determine whether the dog’s obesity is simply due to high caloric intake or some other medical concern like diabetes. The vet can also give you the best suggestions about diet and exercise. There are many brands of dog food on the market that are specially balanced to help a dog lose weight.

Despite what food or dietary supplements you’re using, there is no substitute for the support and commitment of the family. Each member must agree to help control the dog’s caloric intake, feeding exact amounts at exact times and limiting the intake of snacks. Feeding the dog extra treats or table scraps on the sly will not be doing the pooch any favors.

Doggie Exercise Programs:

Exercise is important for any dog. A dog that doesn’t get enough exercise quickly gains weight and may become extremely keyed up or very lethargic. Fortunately, most dogs love to exercise by nature. They love to run and play with their people. The overweight dog my be reluctant to exercise at first, but if you persist in taking him for walks or to play games like “fetch” (most dogs love to run after a thrown tennis ball or other object), the pup will soon come around and start exercising more frequently and for longer periods of time.

It Takes Time:

People don’t get to their ideal weight overnight when dieting and neither will a dog. Remember that Rover didn’t put on those extra pounds all at once and they won’t come off that way either. Most dogs take between ten and twelve months to reach their ideal weight goal, depending upon how much extra weight must be lost.

Diabetes in dogs is a very serious issue and if left untreated can cause severe affects to your dog like extreme thirst, blindness and general deterioration in your dogs health and quality of life.