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postheadericon If you haven’t crate trained your dog yet, why not

If you haven’t crate trained your dog yet, why not? It is the first step to house breaking your dog, it provides a nice, comfortable place for them when you’re away, and it is your dog’s only sanctuary when they’re feeling ill or just wants to retreat. The best part of it is, you can crate train your dog when they’re incredibly young.

Click for Dog Obedience Training to Solve Dog Behavior Problems

In addition to all of the benefits you may know about crate training, you may not know that if you don’t crate train your dog, you are robbing them of a sense of belonging, almost like taking away their right to have a home. Dogs have a natural instinct for seeking shelter when they feel threatened, and if they don’t have that shelter, they may not know where to go. Here are some simple tips and tricks to take into consideration when crate training:

1) Take off the dog’s collar. Keeping it on them may cause crate sores, or in a worst case, strangulation. Crate sores are caused by repeated friction of your dog’s skin against something else. In a crate, where there is limited space, the dog may not realize, but they are rubbing against the crate repeatedly and are rubbing their skin raw.

2) Worrying about your dog barking at the crate. When you first introduce your dog to the crate, make sure that your dog is introduced in a positive and happy way. The first time they see the crate, make sure it is fully set up and has all of their favorite toys inside of it. You want them to have a positive first impression of the crate, and any changes after that may make the dog seem like the crate is unfamiliar.

Click for Dog Obedience Training to Solve Dog Behavior Problems